We lived through History!
Welp this week Zimbabwe made some history! And here's how we found out:
So on Tuesday night we get a text and a call from the zone leaders, telling us to stay in the house tomorrow on Wednesday. They don't really explain the reason why, but we just assumed that there was probably a riot going on in town or something with elections coming up in the next 7 months or so. And let me tell you. A whole day inside as a missionary is not the most exciting thing to do.. Haha Went super long, but also that day we ran into another problem... We ran out of water in the house. So as this whatever thing may be going on, we had little to no water in the house. Haha but don't worry too much that was just a minor case. We caught some rain water the day before so we could flush our toilets. Hahah jokes. But seriously we did. Anyways we were in contact with Elder Caroll about the water that day (He is one of the couple missionaries in charge of houses) And he told us he could send some water to the house the next day, since that day the water company said they probably wouldn't be able to make it out of town. So with our curiosity, I asked, "So what's going on in Harare?" So here's what he told us:
The military has now stormed into the Presidents house and took over the government. A Coup happened. So.. at that current moment they were negotiating with the president to step down from office. Because if he didn't step down in his own free will, then more complications would have happened. So the military was now in charge of the government. That was Wednesday. And from other sources we stayed inside not just because of the mission telling us but also the embassy request. Haha I may be talking this up but really there was no threat of civilians and missionaries the whole time. Really safe. But that was Wednesday.
We continue the week and then on Saturday we get a text telling us to stay inside again. This time only missionaries really close to town. So again another boring day... But that day there were marches going on in town to signify the want of the President to step down. We heard that there was tens of thousands of people marching in town. Would of been pretty sweet to see.
But now as of yesterday, Sunday, we heard that the agreement will most likely be made and the president will step down and most of the cabinet members will also be out of the office.
All in all this has been the most peaceful coup I think will ever happen in History. It's not totally settled but I wouldn't worry. Zimbabwe is a peaceful place. And that's what I love about Zimbabwe!
It Rained a New Investigator
Lastly we had a sweet lesson that saved us from the rain. We had planned to teach this guy named Justice. He was really interested about this Book or Mormon that he heard about. So we started teaching him. But this day we planned to teach him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We get there in the nick of time just before it starts to downpour. And just before we were going to start teaching. A young adult named Max comes running to the patio that we were teaching and taking shelter under. (Just outside the front door of the house) So we teach both Justice and Max. And the whole lesson Max in super engaged and asked super good questions. At first I thought Max knew Justice but found out that he was just taking cover from the rain. After the lesson was finished, Max agreed to take more lessons. It was awesome!! I love how everything works out in the work of the Lord!
Well i hope that everyone has a great week this week!! I love you all!! Until next time!!!
Elder Parco
-Fetching rain water cause we ran out!! Also got some water from a pipe that broke. (Don't worry we didn't drink this water... although Elder Carpenter does have a filter)
- Big stack of Pancakes!!
-Got soaked from putting the buckets out for the rain!