Monday, November 27, 2017

Powerful Investigators

Things here in Zimbabwe are going great! As for a update. A new president has now been called. Haha Which happened on a Friday. But Tuesday was the day the previous President stepped down from office. And that entire night people were celebrating. Honking thier horns and cheering, "New Zimbabwe!!!" haha But things are as peaceful as ever, as well as drunk as ever this week. But the work has really been going this week! Especially for the amount of new investigators we found! (13!!! yeah!) So let me tell you a bit about them.

Mah New Powerful Investigators:
Sheena: First we have Sheena. We were walking down a street after getting some lunch at this nice sadsa place. You literally buy your own meat a a butchery right next door and they cook it for you! Sick! But as we were walking this lady calls out to us. So naturally we go over there. As we were coming, the lady that originally yells at us realizes that we are serious business and gets shy and acts like she never called us over in the first place. haha We introduce ourselves, and ask if they would be interested in hearing a message about the gospel. The lady slyly sneaks away, but her friend Sheena accepts. So we teach her. The whole time Sheena would listen, but act a bit defensive. Questioning everything we taught. But at the end of teaching the Restoration, we testified to her that if she wanted to know if these things were true, she shouldn't rely on our words, but rely on the answer that she can get from God. And told her that it comes from the Holy Spirit which testifies to us through feelings. And the spirit hit her strong. She told us then to come back and visit again during the week. 
So the next visit we come. And we ask, did you pray and ask if these things were true? And she said she did, still acting a little defensive, but now this visit less defensive than before. And we asked her if she got a answer. And she said she did. So then we continue to teach her about the Book of Mormon. And say the same things, pray to know if this is true, and the spirit will testify. Again the spirit was super strong. 
Then next visit comes around. When we saw her, both Elder Carpenter and I were surprised. In the space of just a couple days, we could see already so much change in her. She seemed more humbled and interested and dressed way more modestly. haha and I don't know how to describe it, but she was just different. 
So we ask the same thing. Did you pray and ask if the Book of Mormon was true. Then she hesitated and said "Yes I did." Then we asked if she got an answer? Again she hesitated a bit and then said yes. Now more excited, we ask, "How did you feel?" And she said this, "I felt comfort and peace.. and happiness." Then we asked, "So what do you think that was?" Then she answered, "The Spirit of God Testifying to me." It was awesome! She said she only read 2 verses from the Book but already got a defining answer that the book was true. So we teach about the Plan of Salvation and at the end we invite her to baptism. And her response was that she already goes to a church, and that the change would be hard. Then we testified that it would be worth more than you can imagine. Then still thinking slightly declined. But you could tell the whole lesson she felt the spirit testifying the entire time. She knows its true. But now we are going to help her make that decision.
Bro. Oscar and his Wife: It was Saturday and we decided to eat some chips (fries) and fruits at this one shop at the side of the street. Since the Sadsa place we usually go to was real busy with a lot of drunk people. As we were sitting there Bro. Oscar, a previous investigator stops and talks to us and invites us to try these interesting fruits. We do then he says we should visit him and his wife today. So we do. We go over to the house and, as we were waiting for the wife we had a great discussion about questions that he had. (Before we gave the Plan of Salvation Pamphlet and Book of Mormon without explaining it.) So we answer his questions and then the wife comes and they ask really good questions. Such as What happens to people that die that don't get baptized. Or Tell us more about this Pre earth life. As well as. What age should one be baptized, and do the parents carry over the sins to their child if they aren't baptized before. And it was amazing. We used the Book of Mormon to answer their questions. Then afterwards explain exactly what the Book was. It was a powerful lesson. And even though they are very committed to their church they go to, they sincerely planned to go and visit our church next week! And are excited about all the information that they learned and want us to keep teaching!

Cranmer's Wife: We have been trying to get in contact with Bro. Cranmer for weeks. (The one who knows everything is true but is just deciding on making a decision.) We go to his house and like all the other times he wasn't there. But the Wife invites us in and tells us that she wants us to teach her a message. So.. we teach or more like introduce the Plan of Salvation, and how families can be together forever in the life to come. And her eyes gleamed with excitement. She said that for sure she was going to read this pamphlet and we se an appointment for next week to visit both Cranmer and his wife. It was awesome.

Erasmus: Not really new but awesome story on his progression. We haven't seen Erasmus for a week. But we were able to find him at his car wash place he works at. So we sit down and start the lesson. Last time we gave him the Book of Mormon and told him to read it and pray about it. (Nor really explaining exactly what it was yet) But we show up and ask if he was able to read it. And he said he did!! And then he said he read like the first 15 chapters of 1 Nephi!!! (Haha but actually read the first 5 chapters) But he then proceeds to explain every bit of detail that happens from 1 Nephi ch. 1 to chapter 5!! It was amazing! Then he said that he was trying to share this book with others, but no one wanted to read it or believe in it. But we had a good lesson about the Book of Mormon and then he asks us about Smoking and Drinking and what is the standing of the church. SO we gave him a Word of Wisdom pamphlet for us to discuss about next time. Then he said that we wanted another Book of Mormon to share with his sister. haha I love this guy. 

Ruth: We went to visit this mama's house that we contacted a little while back. The mother wasn't there but her daughter and children were as well as the father. The father wasn't interested but instead we teach all the children. And the lesson was great. Mostly focused on Ruth since she was the most interested. And we talked to her and she said that she wanted to go back to a church since it has been months since she has gone to one. And we talked about baptism and agreed to be baptized. It was sweet. So now we are continue to teach her and strengthen her understanding.

Well those were the really cool new investigators. I hope that everyone has a wonderful week this week!! Love you all! Until next time!!

Elder Parco

-We got to go to the Face to Face devotional for the YSA. Elder Oaks and Ballard are hillarious!! And was enlightened by some very good questions. It was awesome! But only took a picture of my previous companion Elder Richardson with his now custom F-250 bag!! haha
-Oh and a new sharp haircut with Elder Ngwenya

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