A Nice Contact
So this week marks the first week of a new transfer with Elder Carpenter and we are starting to do wonders. This week we did lots of finding and contacting, since the teaching pool is starting to get low. But anyways we were in section 2, and stopped by the gas station to get some juice, and then these drunk couple was yelling for our attention, and asked us to teach the law of Chasity to them... haha while they were snuggled up to each other. haha But while they were talking to us this other guy comes, with two others that followed that were a little loopy and asks us for a pamphlet. So... we give him one. And he tells us to meet him tomorrow at his car washing place. So we set an appointment and visited him the next day. Not really thinking much about what had happened. The next day we come. And find him busy, so he tells us to come back in an hours time. So we do. Then to our astonishment. He takes out the pamphlet that we gave, (Talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ) And we see that he has written down questions and underlined the pamphlet. We teach him the lesson and ask if invite him to baptism and church. And he agreed. It was awesome! So now we are going to be teaching this guy more about the lessons we have.
On Friday... we had a set appointment to meet with Tony at 5 in section 1. Well we go there and he isn't there where we usually meet. And we don't know where he lives. So we saw this guy walking on the street and we thought, "Well Let's just ask him!" So we ask if he knows Tony, and he's like "Yeah!" I'll show you where he lives!" So he leads us to the house and talk to the mama, and find out... That he is going to be out of town until January... SO that was a bummer. But as we leave the gate... we asked the guy who helped us.. "So, do you have time for a gospel lesson??" And he said, "Yeah, sure!" "Let's teach at my house." So we go to the house, and as we are headed there I start to recognize the place. Sister Maponga, one of our investigators lived in this area. So I ask, "Do you happen to know Sister Maponga?" And he says, "Yeah that's my mother!" haha Tinotenda, the one who was helping us, was the son of Sister Maponga. And it was perfect because we have been trying to get in contact with Sister Maponga to set a time for a lesson, but haven't been able to. So we go to the house, and teach Sister Maponga and his son. It was absolutely inspired and perfect.
Well I hope everyone had a great week this week! Those were my adventures this week! Until Next Time!!
Love you all!,
Elder Parco
Just got one picture of the meeting house.. while we were hiding from the rain...
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