Monday, November 6, 2017

Exchanges and D

Transfers Once Again! (Seems like it just happened??)
Yet again we hit another transfer! Making it transfer 12! Time really has flown by though because the time spent with Elder Mbafu went by super fast. I will miss that Tanzanian of mine. haha straight from his frist 12 weeks, but one of the oldest Elders (age wise) on the mission. But he will be now moving to a town called Dama Falls. Pretty close to where Kambuzuma is. But now I have a new companion. Another one from America. His name is Elder Carpenter and he is from Burley Idaho. He's a sweet guy. Excited to be doing work with him. 

Exchanges with Elder Khumalo
This week on Wednesday again, I got to go on exchanges with Elder Khumalo. He is a super cool guy from South Africa, Durban. We enjoyed and were able to learn a lot together. But one cool thing that happened. So i have been talking about this Bro. Cramner guy a lot in my letters recently. Well That day we got to visit him. And as usual he was super excited to see us that day. He sat us down and began to talk. He said he has been reading more. And even all of the pamphlets that we have given him. And he said.. "I still know that the Book of Mormon is true. And I think I now understand what this message means." Then he asked us. "Elders I want you to be straight with me, What do I need to do?" And we told him, Find these things to be true, repent and be baptized. Then after a long thought. We asked what he wanted to do.. He then pointed to the Plan of Salvation pamphlet and said, "This is what I want. I want Salvation" It was awesome! And then he said that he is going to make the decision now and going to share these things with his family and ask them what they want to do. Then he would give us a call when his family made the decision. It was powerful. And ever since that meeting we have been praying very hard that this family will accept the message that we shared. But for now Keep him in your prayers. 

Baptism of Delany
This Saturday we also had the baptism of Delany. A 11 year old boy who loves the church and the gospel. Amazing fact about him. Is even though English is not his first language and his understanding of English isn't the best. Every time we taught him, he understood. And we would ask him what something meant and he would reply perfectly. He was powerful and now is into the fold of God. I was so happy to see as well, when he was baptized, his goko, (Grandma) came who isn't a member and she seemed so very happy for his baptism. Like I always say. I love seeing people get baptized.
Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week! I love you all!! Until NExt Time!
Elder Parco
-Exchanges with Elder Khumalo
-LAst week with Mbafu so had to take lots of pictures! haha
-Baptism of Delany
-Made these cool district shirts!

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