Monday, October 30, 2017

Branch Activity, Exchanges, and the boys

The Boys
Thursday we had a pretty empty day. Things were set up, but didn't really go through. But... like always, just means we need to find someone else. We went to see if Brian was there and we were informed that he would be coming soon. So we waited. But while we were waiting there were these boys on the street playing each other in Chess. And Bro. Shaniwa, an older member was watching them. So we come over and join in on the conversation. Then before you know it Bro. Shaniwa invited me to play. Haha I beat this one boy, and then Bro. Shaniwa wanted to challenge me. I lost, then another boy played and I lost again. But afterwards Brian came, and we had a short talk with him about the gospel. But afterwards, we went back to these group of teens that were talking on the corner. Awkwardly, we introduce ourselves. And sneak the conversation to relate to the message of the Restoration. Then most of their attention peaked. We asked, "Why is there so much confusion today, if God is not one of confusion?" Then we went along and started teaching these 8 teens about the message of the Restoration. The spirit was strong. Very strong. And we scheduled an appointment to meet with them on Saturday. So Saturday comes along and 3 of the boys were there, with two other friends. We teach more about the Book of Mormon and the evidence and teachings that it holds. They really were interested. We left each of them with a Book of Mormon and casually asked if they were free, to come to church tomorrow. 
Then the most amazing part... 10 mintues before Sacrament meeting started 3 of the boys showed up! Haha they were in jeans and jackets but we invited them in and they stay for Sacrament meeting. Then headed out afterwards. But these boys were amazing. And they are very willing to learn. Hope that they continue to progress.
Branch Activity: Success!
Saturday, we had our branch activity that we have been planning out all these weeks. And wow, was it a success. At first the nerves came, as there were only 4 people that showed up at the starting time. But custom here is to be late, so within 1 hour and a half from the starting time we had about 70 people! It was awesome! We had a spoon race, 3 legged race, and a maize sack race! And other fun games that we planned. Then ended with the pioneer stick game. (if ya know what I'm talking about) Then we watched the movie of the Prophet Joseph Smith about the Restoration. Overall it was great. And the Relief Society did a great job bringing people and friends. So overall success. But I'll let the pictures explain more.

Exchanges featuring Elder Gomez
So Wednesday we had exchanges. And I went over to Elder Gomez's area for the exchange. Luckily Elder Gomez drive the car... so that was a nice break from the large amounts of walking that Elder Mbafu and I do. But anyways it was a great exchange. There was this one lesson though... haha Elder Gomez and Elder Khumalo met these Babas the other day that join together and study the bible. Well they invited us over that day. So we came there with any questions that they had for us. Haha there were about 7 Babas (all around the agge of 50+) all gathered around each holding their own bibles. So questions popped, and they wanted to know... "what is this Book of Mormon that we have?" We explained. Then more questions followed, "What language is it written in?" Where did it come from" How do we have it?" "The bible testifies of the Book of Mormon?... show us!" "What is this priesthood authority that Joseph Smith received?" "So if Christs church was lost, where is it today?" "Should there be any other books then the bible?"  And one by one. Every question they had whether it would be from the message we shared, or the bible, or no matter how deep the question was... we answered. And every response we got after our answer, was silence. Haha It was amazing. It was then I realized that this gospel truly has all the answers. The Book of Mormon defends itself. No matter how much you try to prove it wrong... And at the end of the questions we told them... "All of these questions can be answered. But all you have to do is to read... ponder... and pray to know if this book is true." It's that simple. Then you can know for a surety that these things are true. 
At the end of the lesson, most of the babas just still wanted to prove us wrong. But there were these 2 babas who truly had an interest. One even told the others. "What they are saying is, we have to read to know. We can't question them any more until we have read and prayed about this book." haha it was sweet.
This experience kinda reminded me of what it could of been like for Christ when he was a boy, or even in his ministry. He teaches, men much older than him, then invites. And those who are ready will follow. And those who harden their hearts will deny. Even to pray and test if these things are true. 
Overall it was a great realization, that this gospel has answers to every aspect of our lives. With the Book of Mormon and the Bible, we now have the fullness of the gospel.
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!!

Pictures: The activity

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