This week was one of the most amazing weeks I have had on mission! So many miracles! And I truly felt as though God was leading our companionship the entire week! Actually, I know that God was leading our companionship!
The Nibbles of Miracles
Something that I realized this week is that God knows what is best and already has a plan for us. Because this week, so many of our appointments fell through. An immense amount. But I later found out that it was for the better. So here are some of the people we found and taught because of a fall through.
On Friday all three of our morning appointments didn't work out. So we decided to visit this member that wanted to show us to some of his friends that he had. We go there and see one of our potential investigators, Brian. We sit down teach him a lesson and it was powerful.
Then We were walking around the area, and this school girl comes and says a simple hello. Then Mbafu says, "We need to give this one a pamphlet." So as he was pulling out a pamphlet and writing down our details, the girl started to walk away... so I just yelled, "Hey! Wait we want to give you something." We give her the Restoration and our phone number on the back. Then later on in the week she calls! And asks if she can learn more about the pamphlet! Then we invited her to General Conference that week and she came!!! To almost the entire thing. However, she didn't want to set an appointment yet, but I told her that if she has questions she can call. SO then on Sunday, she calls again and asks super inspired questions.
Then on Firday night. We had a fall through again. So we decided to go to a store to get some water. (Since we had no electricity at the house.. meaning no filtered water) Then there we meet previous potential investigators that Mbafu knew. We had a great discussion and invited them to general conference. And they came for just a bit! It was truly a miracle.
Then Saturday, again fall through. We were going to show a video to one of our investigators about the Restoration. We brought a portable DVD player and the video.. but she wasn't there. So the member we were with wanted to see the video. We told her that we can if she has a friend. Haha then she comes out pulling her friend out of the house and says for us to watch the video. So we summarize the Restoration and show the video. She was touched by it that she said... "I need to join this church" It was absolutely amazing!
We were really on the Lord's Errand.
The Powerful Errand from the Lord
But the most powerful event this week happened on Thursday!
SO that entire day.. all of our appointments fell through... So out of desperation, we decide to knock doors for 30 minutes to an hour. First we asked ourselves.. what section should we knock? Then we decided Section 2. So on the way Elder Mbafu starts talking about this amazing previous investigator that they taught. Bro Cramner. How he is just a cool guy and loved to hear the message. But wasn't progressing. But then Elder Mbafu remembered that he lives in section 2. So he asks if we can go see him to see how he's doing. I agreed and we go to his house. When we get there, Bro. Cramner comes out very very excited! And pleasantly welcomes us in. Then when we sat down he asked us if we received his text this morning. We look through the phone but no text. Then he shows us his phone and the text said something like " Good Morning Elders I hope that we can be able to meet sometime!"
It was amazing! He hasn't contacted the missionaries for over 3 weeks, and that very day he really really wanted to see us. SO the moment he could he sent out a text hoping that we would stop by. And that very same day he sent that text out, we came!! Even without having any knowledge of the text he sent! He later told us that he prayed for us to come, and he knew that with us coming, even without receiving the message was a confirmation from God that he still loves him.
So he sits us down and says that he wants to talk. He then pulls out the Book of Mormon and says, "I know that this book is true. I am not saying I know because you told me or because of your convincing, But I know for myself that his book is true!" It was a miracle. He then had many questions for us of what he has read from the Book of Mormon. And he read all the way to the book of Jacob! And is determined to finish it very soon!
But after all of his questions, a huge guilt came over him and he felt horrible. He explained to us that he knows now that he is sinning and keeps doing what is against the commandment, but he keeps relapsing in his sins. We then explain more about repentance and what it is. Then Elder Mbafu shared Ether 12:27 about turning weaknesses into strengths. And while he read that, he cried. It was one of the most amazing experience I have had on mission. And am so grateful that my Heavenly Father gave me that chance to teach this sweet man.
I know that when I follow the spirit, I am on the Lord's Errand. And I love it.
There is this quote from Elder Monson that explains it all.
"The Sweetest experience I know in life is to feel a prompting and act upon it and later find out that it was the fulfillment of someone's prayer or someone's need. And I always want to Lord to know that if He needs and errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him."
I know that this is God's work and it is the best thing I have done.
Also this General Conference was amazing! I know the prophet and apostles are called of God.
I Love you all and hope that you have a great week!! Until Next Time!!
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