Monday, October 23, 2017

The Hand of the Lord

Nolene got Baptized!
First things first. Nolene got baptized! It was incredible! She has been visited by missionaries for months now and I was luckily enough to be able to reap the harvest. But she is amazing! She doesn't really know any bit of English, so we decided to go through all the lessons again until she really understood everything. So teaching her took a bit longer than usual but it was worth it. Luckily we had Sister Mataranyika with us to trnaslate. But by the time this weekend came. She was prepared and ready for baptism. And she seemed so excited to be baptized! The day of her baptism she was smiling so much and super excited. Sasha, the one baptized last week gave a talk on baptism and I loved the way he explained it. He said, "Baptism is simply a sign of a promise humans make with God that we are willing to take upon ourselves Christs name and keep all of his commandments, so that we can have the opportunity to have a fresh start in life." And it's true. Baptism is a covenant that we do to show God we are willing to follow him. It's amazing how simple it really is. 
But wonderful baptism and great to see a new member enter into the fold of God. 

Hand of the Lord
This Sunday was just amazing. Of course Nolene was confirmed. But as well... This week we really didn't expect if any investigators to show up. But surprisingly we had 5 come to church! The most miraculous, was Sister Matara and her daughter. Sister Matara has been going through some persecutions in her own family. Which has made church attendance hard. But when she came this Sunday.. with her daughter. I was super happy. And we asked how her daughter came and she said that she just decided that she wanted to come and visit the church. Definitely a miracle.
Also connecting to Sister Matara. Last night, (Sunday after church) as we were walking back Washings (member) to his house. We stop at one of the couselors houses, because Washings had a question for him. Although... he wasn't there. But as we came, there were people who were packing furniture into a truck, for they were moving. So naturally haha we helped them out. And who was the owner of the truck?? Bro. Matara! It was definately a timed out miracle. Because we offered service to Bro. Matara and was able to soften him up a bit. As well that same day his wife and daughter came to church. So the hand of the Lord is real.
Also in church that day we talked about sacrifice in priesthood meeting. And it made me realize how much sacrifice recent converts really go through. They give up everything for the gospel. They change their whole lives. And most of the time we don't even know what persecutions or circumstances they may be going though in their home or their families. So if there are any recent converts out there, hats off to you. Cause i don't know if I would be able to go though what some of these recent converts do.
Welll anyways I hope that you all have a great week! I love you all!! Until Next Time!
Elder Parco

-Oh and also we played Frisbee today with mah Zone Leaders and AP's Super fun! Haven't played for over 1 year and a half!! haha And got to play with some in my MTC group. Elder Bollinger and Elder Whiting! Super fun!
-Zone Conference with my son Elder Young Yen who is ZL over Harare East Zone
-Baptism of Nolene!
-Got a haircut! look stella?
-Oh and also we played frisbe today with mah Zone Leaders and AP's Super fun!

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