Monday, October 2, 2017

Kambuzuma and the power of the restoration

First Week of Kambuzuma!
Welp it was my first week here doing missionary work in Kambuzuma. And it was pretty great! My companion Elder Mbafu is a powerful teacher. Teaches very clearly and very simple. Super amazing! And learned more about him.
So facts about Elder Mbafu:
First of he is a recent convert. The moment he was a member for 1 year he went off to his mission. Powerful conversion. Right before he came he finished his degree in Civil Engineering. So that means me and him have something in common to talk about. Haha except I know like nothing, and he has a degree. And since he has a degree, he is a little older than most missionaries. 25 years! But he's an amazing companion from Tanzania. 
So as for the area here. It's good. I am still walking... But hey imagine how much more weight I would gain if I had a car. At least the other Elders in our house have one though. Oh and the house, it is also new in the mission. And even bigger than the one that we moved into back in Masvingo. So pretty sweet. 
But anyways the area is great! Love the people here already. The members are few but very sweet and kind. And enjoy them very much!! 

Power of the Restoration
I just want to talk about the fact that there has been a Restoration in the gospel. This week we taught many lesson of it to new investigators, and have had some really powerful lessons. 
But some things I realized is that the Restoration is real. And it happened because God truly does love us. He would never want to leave us in darkness and confusion. That is why he sends his gospel whenever his children are ready to accept it. 
And that is why the Book of Mormon is so important. It gives us the fullness of the gospel. Every answer can come through this book, when used with the bible. It's absolutely amazing! That is why God gave us another witness of Christ. To Prove to us that he is real and that through him we can obtain eternal life. 
I absolutely love teaching this message, and everytime I do it opens my mind even more of how much our Heavenly Father loves us. 
I know that the restoration is real and that the truthfulness of the gospel is back on the earth.
I love you all and hope that you have a great week!!

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