Monday, October 16, 2017

Baptisms and Old men

Old Men Back Together!
This week was one anticipated for. On Wednesday we got to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. And who did I get to go with? Elder Bollinger, my MTC companion! It was super sweet! We got to talk about all that has happened and had a wonderful time teaching with each other. Except this time, we really got to teach, instead of teaching people that act in the MTC. haha but I did get pranked. He told me that we were going to visit this new investigator that they had, and told me that she was a little odd. Didn't know what he meant, but when we got there, she introduced herself and said that she was a witch doctor. Then she wanted us to drink this ritual water to see if her dead ancestors would accept us to let us teach her. Then she said she was going to prophesy about me. Haha Then she did! She told me what I ate for breakfast, where I am from and many other things! I was freaking out so much! Thought evil spirits or something was telling her this stuff. haha Then she started harping me about the church and my testimony and how I know if this stuff is true. Then... at the end I finally caught on and realized that... they were pranking me! haha and found out that she was a super sweet member who sacrificed so much. She used to be a woman pastor but then gave everything up, including her source of income just to join the church. She was powerful!
But the exchange was amazing! It's so weird how much we all change on this mission. I could see it in him and I am sure he could also see it in me. But It was a fun day to get back together and to be teaching real people this time.

Two Potential Dunks!
There are these two people that we are teaching. And they have a potential to be powerful members. First Bro. Cranmer. I spoke about him last week. But we have now taught him to the point where he understands everything. And knows that this could really be Christ's church. He was thinking deeply, then said. "I need to pray to God to see if this is what he wants me to do" Refering to leaving his church and following what we taught. It was amazing! I know that soon he will get his answer. 
Also Sis Ndlovu. We taught her the Restoration, then afterwards she said. "I have never heard about these things. Why are people so scared about hearing about this message. It really opens my mind and now I need to think if what I am doing now is right?" 
I really hope that next meeting, we can get them! haha But it has now come to a decision between them and God.
This weekend we also had two baptisms! Tapiwa and Sasha. Both powerful new male members in the church. Tapiwa is about 14 years old and he really understands the significance of baptism. He is very smart and has a powerful testimony. Also Sasha he had an amazing memory. He can expound everything that we have taught him and is super smart. He's in his 20 and loves the church and knows that it is true. 
But it was amazing to see these two getting baptized. And the support that was there from the branch was great as well!
I hope that we can continue this work that has been left here.
Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful week!! Until Next Time!!

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