The New Unintentional Invsigators:
This week as we were proselyting, we ran into new and powerful investigators. By mistake.
Mai (Mother) Burn:
Mai Burn, or her real name, Tsitsi. Is super cool. So a couple weeks ago as we were teaching these two young adults, Talent and Shingie, there was always this mother that lived across the street. And whenever she was passing us, she would somewhat avoid us and say... "Next time! Next Time you can come!" Haha the first day we came in contact with her she wouldn't even want to tell us her name! So we just named her Mai Burn, since she was wearing a shirt that had the brand name Burn on it.
Then one day out of nowhere, as we have a fall through from Talent and Shingie, she says, "You can come tomorrow and visit with me. I want to learn." Then to our surprise we respond, "You want US to teach YOU?.. tomorrow??" "Then she said yes.
So we came and started teaching the lessons. She is awesome! She understands so well, and on Sunday when we taught her about the Resoration, we asked "So will you pray to know if these things are true?" And she said. Yes, but I already know they are true. It was sweet. And sincere.
Perrie Famliy:
This family I absolutely love. This is how we found them. There was this one investigator that we have been calling. And he has always been telling us to meet with us at such and such day and such and such time. But he never shows. (Probably avoiding us) So on Friday he tells us to come to his house and teach him at such and such time. Well we search for his house from the house number he gave us and when we came there... the family said that he went out. So, them seeing our disappointment, invite us in to wait to see if he will come back. We talk just a bit. Then one of the daughters of the older mom. (Who has 6 kids) was so kind and said, "Well if you aren't going to be able to teach him, then maybe you can share the message with us."
So we did. And first we asked if they had questions. They had nothing, then the Mama/ Gogo (Grandma) comes in and asks. "How do you take the Holy Communion/Sacrament? Do you take it every week or take it once or twice a year?" We answer her that we take it every week to renew our baptismal covenants. Then after we respond she was so happy and started clapping with a smile on her face. saying, "Good! Good!"
Then she asks us "How do you baptize people? Do you immerse in the water, or sprinkle water, and how many times do you dip them in the water?"
So we turn to Romans ch. 6 v. 4 and say we baptize with immersion representing the death and resurrection of Christ. Meaning once for the remission of our sins.
Then she was even more happy and clapped again saying "Good! Good!!"
Hahah Then she went on to say that these men share the correct doctrine and that we need to listen to them. haha So we set another appointment for next week! It was sweet!
Melissa is also great. And super willing to learn. We found her when we were going around looking for another investigators house. And well... we got lost but knock on our investigators neighbors house instead. And they say Memory (our investigator doesn't live here, but next door) Then we ask if anyone would want to hear our message. The Grandma, declined. But right before we were going to leave Melissa speaks up, (a mother) And says yes you can come over and share some scripture verses. So we set an appointment. And when we visit her. We first talk about her questions relating to how one can listen to the Holy Ghost. It was a great discussion and we told her now that you know how to feel the Holy Ghost. We want you to pay attention to that during the lesson. We taught the Plan of Salvation. And set another appointment. It was cool
Elder Parco: The Hairstylist!
So this week I was feeling risky! haha I realized that back home haircuts cost tooo much money. Cause here you can get them for 1-5$ haha
So I decided to buy myself some hair clippers and learn how to cut my own hair. So that's what I did! And well It turned out real well actually! So if any of you need a haircut, with just using clippers. Let me know!
I hope everyone had a great week! I love you all! Until next time!
Elder Parco
-Before! And After Haircut!! Yeah Looking nice!
-Pictures I didnt' post last week!