Monday, March 26, 2018

FIrst Real Week in Nketa

First Real Week in Nketa
Well I can just say that this first week was amazing! We have had so much success in just this past week. First off most of the investigators that we were teaching came to church this week! It was super cool. But as always let's have a little talk about some of the investigators. 

So first off Elder Bondo has been teaching this Sister named Charity. She lives with members in the ward. But this past week we found another investigator from this family. Cynthia. She recently moved in with the family and mainly has a Muslim background, since the people she was staying with before went to that religion. But she is progressing very well as well as with Charity. And it's quite interesting teaching someone with a different religious background than the usual Christianity. 
Also another awesome family we found. So we have a recent convert, whose name is Queen. And well she just recently moved to a new house with a family living there. Well it was the perfect opportunity to teach this family. We taught them the Restoration and came back the next day to share with them the video. And it was powerful. The Mother was touched deeply and gained good interest in the message that we taught! I'm excited to keep teaching this family and see what may come out of it. 

A Prophetic Update!
So just an amazing update before I scidaddle! 
We just received information last week that we will have a special meeting with President Nelson and Elder Holland when they are coming to Zimbabwe! I'm super excited for this! And it was known that every missionary will be able to shake their hands when they come! Haha So glad that I am in this mission!

Well Hope that everyone had a great week! I love you all! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

-Our house after playing a little volleyball game with the Elders from the Zone!

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