14.15 Transfers Down!... 2.85 More to GO!
Well this week was interesting. I thought that Kuwadzana was going to be the place of resting for a while. But turns out God had other plans for me. So this is how it went: It was Wednesday and we were walking through the area working with a member in Kuwadzana. And during that day, we have been playing phone tag with the assistants. Well during the day around 3, I realized that I should probably call President Mkhabela to get things sorted out for my Endorsement for school and a Recommend interview. So I give him a call tell him about these interviews that I need scheduled, and then he asks, "Elder Parco, Have you heard about the transfer news yet?" Me knowing nothing, answers..'I don't think so President..." Thinking about the transfers that just happened. Then he tells me he will call be back, and explains that I will now be going to Bulawayo to Nketa, and leaving Kuwadzana because he wants Elder Tshibangu, (My companion at that moment) To help teach and train another Elder who was struggling with English. Since they are both from DRC. Well then I ask, "So President, when will this take place?" And he said tomorrow. Well we continue in the area thinking, wow, I am going to be leaving tomorrow morning to Bulawayo. 6 hour drive from where I currently am. So we go and visit a couple more people, then 6:30 rolls around and we get a call from the Zone Leaders. And they say "Elder Parco, are you ready for us to pick you up tonight? You will be staying with us tonight then we can drive you over to Bravo (the bus) that will take you to Bulawayo." haha then at that moment I was like, Oh snap! They are picking me tonight?... Well, gotta get home right now! Because I haven't even touched packing yet! Haha so I rush home, pack my stuff in a record breaking time. In time for the Zone Leaders to pick me up. haha
Then the next day pack all my stuff and took the 6 hour drive to Bulawayo. I arrive there around 8. And I was the only missionary on the bus to Buluwayo. So I get off, see no missionaries yet. So I just chill at the side of the street with my luggage. Used someones phone to call the Zone Leaders there and luckily they tell me they just were running late. haha It was quite an adventure. But now today I am writing from my new area in Nketa 2nd with my new companion Elder Bondo, also from DRC.
Well things that happened in Kuwadzana before I left:
-First off we found a wonderful father right before we left, We asked him about his religious beliefs and he said that he stopping going to church because he would go to many churches but couldn't find any truth in them. We shared with him the message of the Restoration and he loved it. Super sad to leave this father but I know Elder Tshibangu will do a great job continuing to teach him.
-I am going to miss this area in general. All the members and the small area conveniently next to the chapel. Going to miss the mama where everyday I would say Maswerea Se? To her, mulitiple times, every time I saw her. And going to miss all of the Recent converts that we had there. Who were super powerful and really knew the gospel. Especially Julius White. Very powerful.
-But I loved this area so much, wish I could of ended my mission here. But now going to start a new story somewhere else.
-First off Buluwayo is super cool. And very neat city.
-Second the language here is a bit of a shocker. No more Maswera se and Makadi, But now people here speak Ndebele where they use their tongue to do cool click noises as well. So going to try my best to learn the language here!
-And Third love my new companion from DRC Elder Bondo. Excited for this new transfer and what we can be able to do in this area!
Well I love you all! This week really sparked up an adventure! Hope you all have a great week! Until Next Time!\
Elder Parco
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