Well this day marks a new day in transfers. And as for the news. I will be staying with Elder Tshibangu for another transfer in Kuwadzana. Excited for that. Also this transfer our whole district has now changed... in Kuwadzana 1st ward and Kuwadzana 3rd branch, both pairs of Elders left. And their areas are now being white washed. With Elder Richardson, and Elder Gomez coming into the new house filling Kuwadzana 3rd branch and two sisters will be replacing the elders in Kuwadzana 1st.
But excited to be living with Elder Gomez and Elder Richardson once again!
Enoch came to church!
So this Sunday was a very joyful Sunday. Enoch came to church! He's not an investigator but he was a Less active member that hasn't even gone to church for the past 6 years! And he came this Sunday! It made me so happy. He came bright and early with his slick white suit! Looking sharp! And the members welcomed his so warmly! "And if ye shall bring one soul unto me, how great will be your joy!"
Comfort in the Book of Mormon
This Sunday we visited one of our investigators who has been going through some hard times in these past weeks. At first when she told us all of her problems that she was having, we didn't know what to do. But at last we decided to turn to the Book of Mormon. And shared with her Mosiah ch. 24. When Amulon was persecuting Alma's people. And we just started reading. Then after the reading we emphasized this verse. 14: "And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions."
And it worked. By the end of the lesson she was calm and at peace. It felt good to help her. It feels good to be a missionary.
Well love you all! Hope you had a great week! Until Next Time!!
Elder Parco
-Don't have much but here is a picture of some "flowers" Kids gave me while walking down the street.
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