Monday, May 28, 2018

Baptisms and Lucky Finds

Baptism off Atlositso
Well we can say that this week was pretty cool. Another good week in the trio. And after roughing out the edges of logistics between our two areas, it went beatifully. But this week we were able to have a baptism of a now newly powerful member. Atlositso (haha still can't pronounce the name right) But I can say that she was beyond prepared for her baptism. She has such a strong testimony and her story of how everything happened is quite amazing. She told us that before she met the missionaries, she wasn't going to church for a bit. Then she decided that she needed to join a church, but she didn't know which one. So she said a prayer a lo and behold, the missionaries showed up! And now she is powerful. She is already halfway through the Book of Mormon and has a strong testimony about it. I am so happy now that she can enjoy the blessings from the gospel. 

A Lucky Find
As well this week we were able to get a referral. So we show up to the house and... we found Lucky! That was his name. And he said that he was waiting for missionaries to come to his house. Well we had a powerful lesson on the Restoration and it all made sense to him. As well when we started teaching about the apostasy he shared that he was always confused about the different doctrines in Churches and has switched churches because some things just didn't feel right. So now we are continuing to teach him.

Tatenda (We are Thankful)
As this week on the mention of finding. Last week, as we were walking to the church we came across this lady who stopped us and always wanted to ask, when the church meetings were at our church. Well Conviently (more like God Inspiringly) We ran into her at the perfect time! And this Sunday, she was able to come to church!! It was amazing! Most people here wouln't do that! But she showed up! And she enjoyed the church service.

Well I love you all and hope that your weeks continue to go well! Next week will be my last transfer. SO i wonder what it will bring! Love you lots! Until next time!! 

Elder Parco

-Just the one from the baptism

Monday, May 21, 2018

Why do we not have faith?

Two New Old Companions!
Well, with the departure of Elder Kambuzuma who is now currently in the Ghana MTC, training there for the next 3 weeks before he heads off to Zambia, I was now companionless. But with the changes that took place in the mission. It was decided that I will now be in a trio with those who I was staying with. Elder Whitier and Elder Tshibangu! Two new companions but two of whom I have served with already before! Elder Whittier for a transfer in Masvingo, and Elder Tshibangu who I served with in Kwuadzana. So it will be nice to be with both of my past companions. Which we will now be doing some double cover in both of the areas that we are serving in. Nketa 1st ward and Nketa 2nd. But ready to start this new temporary adventure!

The Choas in the Week
So with all the jumbling around as well as having Zone Conference and Interviews this week, this week was a pretty busy week. But I can say that I was inspired from Zone Conference and the interviews. So let me just share a piece of that knowledge that I gained.

Why do we not have Faith?:
First off in Zone Conference President gave a profound talk to us. He asked us. Why do we not have faith in Jesus Christ? Then he went to the scriptures, and shared all of the miracles that Jesus Christ did. His miraculous healings, and the power he showed to Moses. Then he said, so If Christ has such great power, then why do we not have faith in him that he can do the same. Then he shared a scripture that touch me. In Matt 11: 29 when Christ says Come unto me and take my yoke upon you and ye will have rest.  Then he asked how do we come unto him? Then the answer was simple. Give him your will. Then he said, if we come unto him, all the problems we may be having all the stresses we could be placed in, you can find rest, if you just have faith in him let the atonement work through you and give him your will. It was powerful especially since that past week was a bit of a struggle for me. And it was true. My yoke was light, and I found rest. Because of Christ's Atonement for us. 

Well I love you all! I hope you have a great week!! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

-Took some District Pictures before Elder Kambuzuma left!
-The new Trio!!
-My MTC Buddies!!
-Got home from the Conference and spilled Yogurt all over the pants...
-Nice Picture of the Sun
-Played sports this morning!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Happy Mother's day!

Exchanges with my great great Grandson, Elder Morrison
This week I had the sweet opportunity to go on exchanges with my great great grandson!!! Elder Morrison! He's a sweet guy! Super cool! Proud to call him my Grandson! haha But the exchanges were cool too! But there is this one lesson that I want to share the spoils with. So we planned to see Solomon at 3... but when we got there he wasn't there. but luckily Solomon live in the same house as Vanessa mother does, who Vanessa is that recent convert, her mother not though. So she called us over and we had a great lesson with her. Apparently in the past she really didin't approve of the church and had bad vewis but when we came there that day she was so open and asked so many inspired questions to us as well! Very very inspired. It was soo sweet! And now she wants us to continue to teach her! So that will be exciting. But overall the exchange was great!

A Sweet Find
As well on this week, on Saturday we started a sports night at the church, and this week we did volleyball... however the ball we bought was cheap and popped halfway through the game.. so we just resorted to soccer. haha And well there was this one kid there, after the sporting that was like, I'm gonig to come to church tomorrow! And sure enough the next day he came! And he loved it. Super cool find!

Happy Mothers Day to All
Just want to say!! Happy Mothers day to all Mothers out there!!! Have a great week!

Little update to all!
So just for a little update. Today recently as of when I am writing this email, we got notified that my companion will be reassaiged to a mission in Zambia, instead of Cape Town his original call, as he was serving here in Zim, waiting for his visa. Well he also will be heading for the MTC on Wednesday!! So... that means he's going to be gone! Gonig to be super sad when he leaves! And that means my companion or area, or both might change. but i'll know this coming week!

WEll I love you all Hope you have a great week! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

-The Studs on the Street! After we did some gardening in the morning!
-Me and Elder Morrison after the exchanges. Had no food in the house so bought some bread... You'll see why
-It my famliy! From the Skype Love them all!!
-So this is our fridge... consists of expired yogurt, butter, a rotten apple, and an empty 2 Liter bottle... haha yeah... this week was a struggle but we are going shopping today!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Baptisms and Charity

Baptism of Cynthia
Well This week we had a baptism of Cynthia!! It was pretty awesome! Like always baptisms are always a plus and great feeling in the week. I am so happy that she could be able to be baptized and she seemed so happy after the baptism. Also the next Sunday when she was getting comfirmed, she brought a friend with her! That was sweet!

Mini Updates for the Week
So for the minni updates of the week, Sadly Thabo didn't progress as well as we thought he would. He does has questions, but the next two meetings it was more of a challenging questions than learning... so we are giving him one more chance. And told him to read the Book of Mormon if he really wants to find the truth out for himself. But He's a good guy. Let's hope the Book of Mormon will soften his heart. As well some of our investigators were not able to come this Sunday.. which was sad but, I'm not too worried. the ones that have been coming are powerful.
Also on the good news we had found this wondeful famliy that we are going to start teaching! I am super stoked to be teaching them! I'll let you know how the visit goes next week! And we met another investigator with the sweetest and energitic girl ever! haha She took a rag off the floor and started saying it was her puppy, then she started to try to feed me her fries. We'll be seeing her and her mom on Wednesday! Excited for that!

Well something I would like to touch up on that I learned was this. Charity is the pure love of Christ, and if ye have not Charity then you are nothing. That is something that I learned this week. Certainly missions can get repetative, and lately, I was starting to get into the motions, rather than serving with my heart. Well this week my companion changed that. I just watched him, loving and serving with all his energy to those around me, and it gave me this wake up call. That I really am missing something in the service that I am doing. I'm missing the charitable aspect. Then just these past couple days, I told myself. All I am going to focus on is loving the people. And what a difference it made! Charity is truly the love of Chrsit and it is through him and being like him that change will occur in our lives and those around us. 

Well I love you all! Hope everyone had a great week! Until NExtTimE!

Elder Parco

-Yeah so we found a sick rainbow! Took some pictures
-Haha while we were taking pictures this one lady just goes across and starts to pose!!! Like "Take a Picture!!!" haha so we took her some photos! I love the people here!