Baptism off Atlositso
Well we can say that this week was pretty cool. Another good week in the trio. And after roughing out the edges of logistics between our two areas, it went beatifully. But this week we were able to have a baptism of a now newly powerful member. Atlositso (haha still can't pronounce the name right) But I can say that she was beyond prepared for her baptism. She has such a strong testimony and her story of how everything happened is quite amazing. She told us that before she met the missionaries, she wasn't going to church for a bit. Then she decided that she needed to join a church, but she didn't know which one. So she said a prayer a lo and behold, the missionaries showed up! And now she is powerful. She is already halfway through the Book of Mormon and has a strong testimony about it. I am so happy now that she can enjoy the blessings from the gospel.
A Lucky Find
As well this week we were able to get a referral. So we show up to the house and... we found Lucky! That was his name. And he said that he was waiting for missionaries to come to his house. Well we had a powerful lesson on the Restoration and it all made sense to him. As well when we started teaching about the apostasy he shared that he was always confused about the different doctrines in Churches and has switched churches because some things just didn't feel right. So now we are continuing to teach him.
Tatenda (We are Thankful)
As this week on the mention of finding. Last week, as we were walking to the church we came across this lady who stopped us and always wanted to ask, when the church meetings were at our church. Well Conviently (more like God Inspiringly) We ran into her at the perfect time! And this Sunday, she was able to come to church!! It was amazing! Most people here wouln't do that! But she showed up! And she enjoyed the church service.
Well I love you all and hope that your weeks continue to go well! Next week will be my last transfer. SO i wonder what it will bring! Love you lots! Until next time!!
Elder Parco
-Just the one from the baptism