Exchanges with my great great Grandson, Elder Morrison
This week I had the sweet opportunity to go on exchanges with my great great grandson!!! Elder Morrison! He's a sweet guy! Super cool! Proud to call him my Grandson! haha But the exchanges were cool too! But there is this one lesson that I want to share the spoils with. So we planned to see Solomon at 3... but when we got there he wasn't there. but luckily Solomon live in the same house as Vanessa mother does, who Vanessa is that recent convert, her mother not though. So she called us over and we had a great lesson with her. Apparently in the past she really didin't approve of the church and had bad vewis but when we came there that day she was so open and asked so many inspired questions to us as well! Very very inspired. It was soo sweet! And now she wants us to continue to teach her! So that will be exciting. But overall the exchange was great!
A Sweet Find
As well on this week, on Saturday we started a sports night at the church, and this week we did volleyball... however the ball we bought was cheap and popped halfway through the game.. so we just resorted to soccer. haha And well there was this one kid there, after the sporting that was like, I'm gonig to come to church tomorrow! And sure enough the next day he came! And he loved it. Super cool find!
Happy Mothers Day to All
Just want to say!! Happy Mothers day to all Mothers out there!!! Have a great week!
Little update to all!
So just for a little update. Today recently as of when I am writing this email, we got notified that my companion will be reassaiged to a mission in Zambia, instead of Cape Town his original call, as he was serving here in Zim, waiting for his visa. Well he also will be heading for the MTC on Wednesday!! So... that means he's going to be gone! Gonig to be super sad when he leaves! And that means my companion or area, or both might change. but i'll know this coming week!
WEll I love you all Hope you have a great week! Until Next Time!
Elder Parco
-The Studs on the Street! After we did some gardening in the morning!
-Me and Elder Morrison after the exchanges. Had no food in the house so bought some bread... You'll see why
-It my famliy! From the Skype Love them all!!
-So this is our fridge... consists of expired yogurt, butter, a rotten apple, and an empty 2 Liter bottle... haha yeah... this week was a struggle but we are going shopping today!
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