Well This week we had a baptism of Cynthia!! It was pretty awesome! Like always baptisms are always a plus and great feeling in the week. I am so happy that she could be able to be baptized and she seemed so happy after the baptism. Also the next Sunday when she was getting comfirmed, she brought a friend with her! That was sweet!
Mini Updates for the Week
So for the minni updates of the week, Sadly Thabo didn't progress as well as we thought he would. He does has questions, but the next two meetings it was more of a challenging questions than learning... so we are giving him one more chance. And told him to read the Book of Mormon if he really wants to find the truth out for himself. But He's a good guy. Let's hope the Book of Mormon will soften his heart. As well some of our investigators were not able to come this Sunday.. which was sad but, I'm not too worried. the ones that have been coming are powerful.
Also on the good news we had found this wondeful famliy that we are going to start teaching! I am super stoked to be teaching them! I'll let you know how the visit goes next week! And we met another investigator with the sweetest and energitic girl ever! haha She took a rag off the floor and started saying it was her puppy, then she started to try to feed me her fries. We'll be seeing her and her mom on Wednesday! Excited for that!
Well something I would like to touch up on that I learned was this. Charity is the pure love of Christ, and if ye have not Charity then you are nothing. That is something that I learned this week. Certainly missions can get repetative, and lately, I was starting to get into the motions, rather than serving with my heart. Well this week my companion changed that. I just watched him, loving and serving with all his energy to those around me, and it gave me this wake up call. That I really am missing something in the service that I am doing. I'm missing the charitable aspect. Then just these past couple days, I told myself. All I am going to focus on is loving the people. And what a difference it made! Charity is truly the love of Chrsit and it is through him and being like him that change will occur in our lives and those around us.
Well I love you all! Hope everyone had a great week! Until NExtTimE!
Elder Parco
-Yeah so we found a sick rainbow! Took some pictures
-Haha while we were taking pictures this one lady just goes across and starts to pose!!! Like "Take a Picture!!!" haha so we took her some photos! I love the people here!
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