Monday, April 30, 2018

What a find!

The New Investigators! What a Find!
Well this has been another adventurous week in the mission! And a good start to the transfer! Just have to say Elder Kambuzuma is great! But anyways, the week.

First off. Thabo. So we went over to Michelle's our youngster recent convert, and as we were there we asked if anyone in the house would want to hear about the message we had. Well all in the house declined. But they said the neighbor is interested. So he came over and we started the discussions. But this guy is awesome! The next meeting we had with him, he had some honest questions and it was amazing! It was so cool to see his sincere interest. I love this guy.

Bridget Tafadswa Thabiso and Felistas:
So the way we found all these people was pretty awesome! So throughout the day we were working with a member named Peter. Well the time came that he had to go home, and so we let him free then went our seperate ways. Well in the process we met another member Vanessa. And just asking if she had any freinds for us to teach, she said.." No." But then she was like, "But let me find some people for you to teach." So she guides us down the road to the street where she lives and just starts asking her neighbors that are outside. "Hey you should listen to these missionaries and their message about Jesus Christ." haha Well She rounded up two young boys for us, and then we sat down and Felitas came outside and joined us. Then Vanessa said, "Alright I'm going to ask my mom if she is interested." Well couple minutes later her mom comes out. And we have a discussion with those four about the Book of Mormon. It was awesome! And we set more time to meet up with them too!

Mpofu Family:
Lastly the Mpofu famliy. These people are so ready for the message. Well remember how Vanessa was calling random neighbors? Well there was this one boy who wan't free at the moment but said we would stop by at his house later. So the day we went to see Tafadswa and Thabiso again, we decided to knock on his house and see if he was there. Well... Apparently the boy lived at the back of the house because we knocked at the front and this young adult answered the door. We told him what we were doing so he let us in. And then we started teaching the Restoration. And as we introduced the message. he started to ask, "So how do I know which church is right for me?" "I've been going from church to church but can't find what is right?" So we were thinking, well this guy is perfect! Then in the middle of the lesson his mother and his sister come in. And the mother starts asking all these inspired questions as well like, "So why are there so many churches today?" "Which church has the preisthood authority?" "Why is the mode of baptism different in all these chruches?" And so with smiling faces, we answered all of them. And she was super happy! I am so glad that we were lead to this wonderful famliy! Pray that they progress!

Well that was my week!! hope you had a great one this week too! Sorry no pictures this week! But love you all! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

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