Monday, April 9, 2018

Conference thoughts

Nkomazana Family
This week we had a wonderful referral from a member. And we got to visit with them this week. So on Thursday we picked up the member and then walked over to their neighbors house to talk to the family. We walk inside and meet the Nkomazana family. We introduce ourselves and greet one another. Then we introduced the Restoration message and as we are asking questions we find out that this mother has been going from church to church, trying to find what is right for her and being even more confused at the doctrines that churches have been teaching. It was awesome! haha I thought, "Well this message is absolutely perfect for you!" haha
So we teach the Restoration and the spirit was super powerful! We testigfied that the church has been restored adn you could just see the spirit working within her. It was a great experience to have and we are looking forward for the next visit with them!

Conference: Serving the One
I was super excited about Conference this week. More like a little boy waiting for Christmas the next day. And I can just say that I love this conference session! 
But something that I learned this conference was the focus on the one. Ministering to the one. Rather than worrying about what statistic you have. It was touching. We need to reach out the way Christ did. Ministering tot he one and showing real love to one another. This is the same way for missionary work. And caring for the one even brings yourself the most joy!  I love missionary work and I love you all!

Elder Parco

-Nice pictures at Conference

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