Monday, April 16, 2018

Zone Conference, Interviews, and Saturday Activity

Zone Conference, Interviews, and Saturday Activity! A Busy Week!
Well this week was sure a week full of excitement! Busy Busy week. But enjoyed the most of it. So first things first. Wednesday we had Zone Conference. Took the 2 hour bus ride up to Gweru to have a wonderfully inspired Conference. Then on Friday, it got a little more tangled. In the morning we had interviews with President that went until 3pm... Well it takes about 1 hour to get back, so we get back and have to get to the area to have an interview with a candidate that we baptized this Saturday. As well we were preparing things for the activity that we planned. So we go with the other Elder Elder Koch and Mbabela, for the interview. While there we had to drop somethings off at a members house who was helping us with the popcorn refreshements. Then at that same time the Zone Leaders were coming for Elder Koch's interviews... But all in all, went on a couple minni exchanges, and when all was done... we then went and filled up the font at the chapel. haha But Saturday went well. Had a bit of a hicupp of picking up the popcorns, but all in all it was sucessful! But that was the jist of the week. Was a fun one!

A Touching Moment
As we were walking to church on Sunday, there was just a touching moment. Ones that I love to see on mission. Just before we got to the gate of the church, arriving 15 minutes early. We saw one of our investigators there! She came early! And not only that but she was so commmited that she came alone early, even though she lives with members at the house. It was soo cool to see her commitment! And we are planning on baptizing her on the 28th of this month!

Well that was my week! I love you all! And excited to shake the hands of Elder Holland and President Nelson tomorrow!! Until next Time!
Elder Parco

-Well... honestly forgot what I put here.. but I think the pictures are of the Zone Conference and just nice pictures in the area. So enjoy them all!

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