Well this week was sure once in a lifetime type of week. President Nelson and Elder Holland came for a visit! And the whole mission got to come! As for us in Bulawayo, we are about a short distance of a 6 hour bus ride to Harare... So Monday night the whole Bulawayo zone got to stay in the Zone Leaders house so we could rise early and get on our way to Harare. Leaving at 6am.. we finally arrived at Harare at 12. And the prophet came to us at 2! It was awesome! Two Seventies, an Apostle and the Prophet himself, as well as all of their wives got to speak to us. Elder Hamilton, his wife, Elder Palmer, his wife, Elder Holland, his wife, and President Nelson, and his wife. It was a spiritually filled chapel at highlands Harare! And probably will never happen again! But things I loved from thier talks.
Elder Holland talked about making this mission so important to you that when your future children come up to you to ask you about your mission, you can weep. Because it was such a touching and life changing experience in your life.
Also I love when Sister Nelson talked about listening to the prompting of the spirit. In her journey how she met President Nelson and the many life decisions that led to prominent factors in her life.
And last President Nelson talked about the importance of eternal marriage and that is how we endure to the end, and bring the blessings of Abraham upon us.
But most of all I love how we got to see the personal side of all of these chosen leaders. President Nelson is a funny guy. haha He told us, how after he announced the temples that a newspaper reporter commented that President Nelson "Enjoyed announcing the temples" Then he turned to us, paused and said with a smirk on his face..."You bet I did!!" haha
It was such a great opportunity to see these wonderful leaders of God and am so happy that I got the chance to be here for that moment!
Then after all was over, Got back on the bus and took the 6-7 hour jounery back.. arriving at 1am. haha But totally worth it.
The Powerful Referral!
This week we got a wonderful referral from our neighboring missionaries. So of course we contact the reffereal and set a time to meet at his house. We get there and him and his friend was waiting for us to share the gospel. We share about the gospel of Jesus Christ. And Tonias and Courage had some awesome questions! Well the lesson ends, and then Sunday morning we invite them to church, and both of them came! And staying all three hours as well! Most surprising thing is, they live pretty far away from where the chapel is! They for sure were powerful referrals.
Another Transfer! 2 left!
Well this week marks yet another week of Transfers. For me, I am staying in Nketa. Same area. But my hilarious companion will now be leaving to Kwekwe. Who will now be companions with Elder Haynie. Me and Elder Whittier stayed here, and Elder Whittier's ex companion Elder Mangwana is going to Bindura. And Elder Whittier's new companion is going to be Elder Tshibangu!! haha My previous companion before I came here. And has for me, I will have a temporary companion, Elder Kambuzuma from Zimbabwe! Who in 4 weeks from now will be heading off to the MTC!
But excited for another transfer! And to serve with another wonderful Elder.
WEll I love you all like always! Have a wonderful Week! Until NExt Time!
Elder Parco
-Sleepy sleepy sleepy
-My posterity. (right to left!)
-Mah MTC Elders!
-Elder Horlacher and Elder Gordon
-Elder Tambe!
-Elder Leneham
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