Well, with the departure of Elder Kambuzuma who is now currently in the Ghana MTC, training there for the next 3 weeks before he heads off to Zambia, I was now companionless. But with the changes that took place in the mission. It was decided that I will now be in a trio with those who I was staying with. Elder Whitier and Elder Tshibangu! Two new companions but two of whom I have served with already before! Elder Whittier for a transfer in Masvingo, and Elder Tshibangu who I served with in Kwuadzana. So it will be nice to be with both of my past companions. Which we will now be doing some double cover in both of the areas that we are serving in. Nketa 1st ward and Nketa 2nd. But ready to start this new temporary adventure!
The Choas in the Week
So with all the jumbling around as well as having Zone Conference and Interviews this week, this week was a pretty busy week. But I can say that I was inspired from Zone Conference and the interviews. So let me just share a piece of that knowledge that I gained.
Why do we not have Faith?:
First off in Zone Conference President gave a profound talk to us. He asked us. Why do we not have faith in Jesus Christ? Then he went to the scriptures, and shared all of the miracles that Jesus Christ did. His miraculous healings, and the power he showed to Moses. Then he said, so If Christ has such great power, then why do we not have faith in him that he can do the same. Then he shared a scripture that touch me. In Matt 11: 29 when Christ says Come unto me and take my yoke upon you and ye will have rest. Then he asked how do we come unto him? Then the answer was simple. Give him your will. Then he said, if we come unto him, all the problems we may be having all the stresses we could be placed in, you can find rest, if you just have faith in him let the atonement work through you and give him your will. It was powerful especially since that past week was a bit of a struggle for me. And it was true. My yoke was light, and I found rest. Because of Christ's Atonement for us.
Well I love you all! I hope you have a great week!! Until Next Time!
Elder Parco
-Took some District Pictures before Elder Kambuzuma left!
-The new Trio!!
-My MTC Buddies!!
-Got home from the Conference and spilled Yogurt all over the pants...
-Nice Picture of the Sun
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