Monday, October 31, 2016

Another Great week!

I Wasn't Too Clueless this Week...

First things first!! Happy Halloween everyone!! Hope everyone stuffs their faces with sugary candy! Haha But anyways...

My New Companion!
So.. I was wrong. My companion is not from Australia and is not Tongan... He is actually from Samoa! Which is even cooler! Apparently he is the first Samoan to be in the Zimbabwe mission! And people here think that we are brothers or something. haha But he is such a cool guy. His name is Elder Young Yen. He is quiet and more on the serious side, but has the desire to do good and has a strong spirit with him. And I am honored and excited to be working with him. A really cool connection though, Elder Young Yen had a really good friend from back home who served in Africa, Sierra Leon to be exact. And that good friend of his served in the same mission and was companions as someone in our branch! Bro Griffith!! Who is the son of Bro Mukwiera! It was such an amazing connection. Definitely an icebreaker into the new area for Elder Young Yen. But I am looking forward to these next 12 weeks with my new companion. Oh and also, he set a good first impression by sharing with me some of his Snickers that he brought!! Miss those candies soo much! And nothing gets to my heart better than some good ole sweets! haha

So Here's my Week:

Tuesday and Wednesday:
So Basically we were in training meetings and met our new companions, then we headed back to our area by night time and let my companion unpack. Yeah it was jammed packed those days... haha

Our Clueless house: 
So When transfers came out I kept joking how for the next 2 weeks our house is going to be so clueless, well because, there are 4 people in our apartment. Me and my companion and Elder Odunga and his companion. And when transfers came, we found out that we will both be training a "greenie" for our first times, AND Elder Odunga will also be the District leader for his first time! Haha so yeah, we both don't really know what we are doing. But hey this week wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! 

The First Day Leading the Area:
It wasn't so bad! But man is it tiring! I didn't realize how much energy it takes to lead in planning, walking to appointments, and teaching people! Aye! Takes so much energy! Now I'm really gonna sleep well! But it was good! We went out and taught about 4 lessons! 3 with members since a couple of the people we were teaching didn't know English that well! And am so thankful for those members! Makes my life much easier! Overall though it was good! Everyone we taught could understand and Elder Young Yen taught well too! It was a successful first day.

Teaching with Hand Motions in Kingston:
Tuesday was the true clueless day! Haha so we went out to Kingston to go and "try" to teach some people. (And note: Kingston is the area where not too many people know English very well, mostly Shona) Our initial plan was to find a member, Sister Kufumu who was currently in Kingston to help us teach. Except the only problem was... we couldn't find her...But we ended up running into someone that we taught before, who knows English!!! Which was nice. So he came up to us and said that he has been looking for us for some time and he wanted to continue to hear our message! IT was a miracle! So we planned to meet him next Wednesday! But he helped direct us in the direction where we thought we would find Sister Kufumu and then he headed off. But right after he left. Some people (about 10 of them) called us over and wanted us to teach them a message. However none of them knew English very well... One could speak just a little. So I started to teach about the Restoration. But just when I started 12 other people came over to hear, or maybe just see me attempt to teach a lesson in Shona. So like 22 people were there surrounding us! So with the very little Shona I knew, I taught them that God love his children and the meaning of the word restoration. I used so many hand signals and anything I could find to help teach! I used my bag to teach the word restoration by placing it on the ground, taking it away, and then replacing it back. Then I would explain how restoration means to bring back exactly how it was, So I would grab something else and replace it with my bag and say Iowa! (Meaning no) Then grab my bag and place it back and give a thumbs up! Haha it was quite the experience! And it was pretty fun! So we never actually found Sister Kufumu in Kingston, but at least we survived with what we had!

Baptisms! + Gift of Tounges
So this week we baptized two Sisters! Like I have said so many times before, I always love baptism days! Always makes me happy! Also Elder Young Yen and Elder Horlacher, the two new Elders in our house, got to baptize! It was so cool to see!
But an amazing miracle that happened. So we went to the sisters house (Friday before the baptism) because we need to interview them. Since Elder Odunga was doing other interviews, we had to wait for about 20 minutes for them to come. So while we were waiting, we talked. Except here's the miracle! So the Sisters can understand English pretty well, but they can't speak it. And I can understand Shona just a bit, but can't really speak it. So for 20 minutes I was able to have a conversation with them without much miscommunication or awkwardness in it! It was awesome! Definitely power of the gift of tongues, because I just started hearing a bit of Shona in conversations like a week ago!

Well I hope that everyone is doing well I love you all very much!!! I'll send pictures of my comp and other things! Love you all!

Elder Parco

Monday, October 24, 2016

Wait, I'm doing what??

So... I am in Harare right now emailing because well.. transfers!! Haha it is actually really weird to see all these tall buildings and stores everywhere! I'm used to the small markets and dirt roads, and people selling snacks on the side of the roads. Definitely is different! And Everything is so much nicer here in Harare. It was also really cool to see all the other missionaries that are in the mission at the office house! And to see the missionaries that I came out with at the MTC, it was so nice to catch up on things and talk to each other! But besides that, I bet you are all wondering where I am going with transfers....
Elder Parco is Training?
So I am going to be staying in Bindura!! Which is awesome because I love that place and the people there! Oh and also another thing, I AM GOING TO BE TRAINING! Which is so.... well many emotions. haha I am super excited but at the same time super nervous! I still feel like I'm being trained and hardly have a clue of what I am supposed to do! There is still so much more for me to learn on the mission. I know that it will not be easy, but I also know that Heavenly Father will help me through the way! So for these next few days, (probably untilWednesday) I will be in Harare learning how to train and picking up my fresh, new, greene, coming straight out of the MTC! My companions name is Elder Young, and supposedly he is from Australia and Tongan! So that's just awesome! Can't wait to meet him and I'll for sure send pictures next week!
Highlights of the Week
So this week there was some pretty cool things that happened! But first we always have to start with the topic of food!
For this week I had a first of eating a.... Goat! Or at least I think it is a first! But it was pretty good meat and surprisingly we finished all the meat! I think the coolest part about it though was that we bought the goat live! Then we had to butcher it! Except obviously we didn't do that part! But it was pretty sweet! Haha next we want to try some crocodile!
So Saturday we had two baptisms! It was so cool! We had to do it at the chapel at the town since we didn't have water at our meeting house! But it was good! We combined with some other Elder's in our district so everything worked out! Also before the baptism there was a wedding of one of the Elder's investigators! It was cool! And after the weddings we had baptisms. Saturday'sare always so great whenever we have baptisms! Makes my day! 

Lowlights of the Week

Sadly this week, our usual investigators didn't show up to church. We only had 1 show up. It was a sad moment to see. But on the bright side that one is really progressing well! She has gone to church twice now! And she seems really interested in the church! Also, even thought they didn't show up to church this week, we have investigators who are also progressing very well! The part that makes me a bit nervous though is that we have 4 mothers who are progressing but need to be married before they can get baptized. So that means we could be planning up to 4 weddings!! Ahh pakaiba! But hey maybe I could take a job of a wedding planner when I get home!
Another sad part about this week... transfers. Elder Ray and Elder Luvuno (my beloved companion) will be leaving this week! They are both going to the Harare East Zone! It's sad to see them go because I have been with them for a good 3 months! (Crazy I have been out for 3 months!) But I am sure they will do amazing in their new areas! But I will miss them! On the bright side, we might see them in the next zone conference which will be coming up soon!
Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week! I'll obviously keep you updated on my mission adventures! Love you all!
Elder Parco
1. We got a flat tire on our way to Harare! Man Adventures!
2.So this week is the Peterson's last week as couple missionaries in the office! They are so sweet and am going to miss their sweets!
3. Some awesome people in our ward!

Monday, October 17, 2016

A week of physical and spiritual feasting

How is everyone doing? I hope all is going well at home.
 So transfers are going to be next week, I think there is a really good chance of me staying in the area since I will be getting out of training, but who knows! Anything could happen, So that means, there is a possibility that next week I won't have as much time to email, but we will see!
BUT... to start off with this week's adventures...

Update on the Cow feast:
So first off I want to thank the Mukuiera family for preparing the meat and allowing all the Elders for coming over for a huge feast! Haha they are so awesome! When we got there they had a table and chairs set up outside with cups and forks and everything! It was sooooo nice of them and they are seriously the coolest family in Bindura. And the meat was real good! Except the whole time I didn't know what part of the head I was eating. The skin is really chewy, but Elder Williams got the mouth/cheek part of the cow and gave some of that to me and that I would say was the best part of the cow! Also we had the cow legs that same day. So basically I was so stuffed after the meal that I couldn't even bend over! But might I just add, I think I ate the most meat out of everyone! haha My favorite part of the whole night was when Elder Williams and Elder Mshungu were both laying on the ground from their bellies on the brink of explosion, and then Elder Sakala stands up with a determined voice and says, "So where's the Bathroom?" Haha just the way he said it made it so hilarious, and the thing is... there was no bathroom. It was definitely a great night!
Spiritual Experiences:
This week I felt like I had some good spiritual experiences. It was just so awesome! It's being able to feel the spirit in your teaching that makes missionary work so great!
So to start of, Tuesday we taught an investigator named Joseph. Last Sunday he went to church just to see what our church was like! It was so awesome! And it we were watching General Conference at that time, so even better! But anyways in our first lesson with him we taught him about the Love that God has for him and how the gospel blesses families! And might I just say, the spirit was so strong throughout the entire lesson. I could feel God's love just blooming throughout! He was also super engaged and I could tell he was feeling the spirit as well!
On Thursday, we met with one of our investigators who was ready for baptism and found out a major problem that was happening upon the topic of marriage. Let's just say that it left us in a pretty bummer mood, especially my companion. It was super hard for him to hear the news. So we were walking around just feeling gloomy and I had this prompting to go and visit Sister Tuli, and so I mentioned it to my companion and so we did! We got to her house and knocked on the gate, and she was there! And we ended up teaching a lesson about prayer and it went really well! It definitely lifted up our spirits that day, and it was the miracle we needed.
Saturday we went back to Sister Tuli's to give her a book of Mormon, and when we got there she wasn't there. We waited a bit and then her neighbor told us that she went to the shops and will be back in about 5 minutes. But I had the thought to share with her the message of the Book of Mormon. So I did. But when we started talking we found out that she had met with the missionaries a long time back and she was interested in the church! It was amazing! So we invited her to church after a short message about the book. We ended up waiting a bit longer for Tuli and then her husband showed up! And we talked to him and left the book with him to give to her. It was such a cool experience!
So to start off, another Sunday miracle!!! We had 11 investigators come to church!! and about 8 of them were the same from last week! So that is something incredible! Then after church I got to teach one of our investigators, Tinashe! We taught about the Restoration and about Joseph Smith restoring the church! It was a powerful lesson and at the end, he offered the prayer, and it was beautiful! In it he mentioned thanking God for being able to find this church. It left me in such a happy mood!!!
I wanted to end off by my testimony of the Holy Ghost (spirit). I know that the spirit comforts, warns, and guides you in times of need. Promptings from the spirit are real and directed by God. I like to think of it in this way: God wants us to do good so he tells us through the spirit what good we need to do in that moment. If we are listening and act on the prompting, then God will trust us more and keep sending more and more promptings. Sometimes we think to ourselves, "Was that me or was that the Spirit" But I think I have come to realize that if it is in any way, shape, or form a good thought, then it has to be from God. He wants us to do good and to help others. That is what Christ did. If we continue to follow the spirit and do good, then we will naturally become more  like Christ, we will want to do good deeds without a second thought and we will love everyone around us. That is something that I am looking forward to developing, a love for all, because after all, that is the greatest commandment that Jesus gave.
So I love you all! And hope your weeks were great!
Elder Parco

Pictures: ( So these mostly involve food don't know why...)
IMG 3049- This is what we devoured of the Cow head and legs! It was really good and really really filling!
IMG 3054- So proud of this food that me and my companion Elder Luvuno made! Literally what you see there is all that we had left in the house, no joke!
IMG 3115- So I got stuck in a well.... haha Mukuiera family is digging a well and so we had a contest of who could get out the fastest!
IMG 3124- Sunday night we brie some chicken, beef, and sausage!
Man was this week good for food!

Monday, October 10, 2016


So a couple this about Kingston, First off, we are having some good sucess there! Across the river was a big hit! Haha I'm mean mostly for one family but yeah the work is going great there! We taught Sister Casper the other day about the Plan of Salvation and it was good! Haha the spirit was there and everything and she seems genuinely interested in the message that we have to share!
Ok so now for the scary part.... So something about the area of Kingston is that most people there don't know English. So my companion Elder Luvuno knows Shona really well which is awesome because it opens our pool of teaching, and he is also an amazing teacher. So here's the problem I realized... Transfers are in 2 weeks, and if I stay in this area, (which chances are higher since I'll just be getting out of training,) Then I would have to teach the people in Kingston knowing little Shona.. Ahh haha but hopefully best case I'll have a new companion who also knows Shona. But if not, I'll need a lot of faith.
And for a story:
So we were walking back from Kingston and we saw these 4 Donkeys just casually roaming around. Well these Donkeys weren't on the best terms, so they started fighting each other! It was pretty entertaining! Haha one would run at the other with it's snarl showing it's teeth and the one in front would try to kick it's back legs at the other one! So Don't know why I found that so entertaining but it was cool! Haha just to let you guys know

General Conference:
So General Conference was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Since we are about a 8 hour time difference form the states, we watched Conference the week after! I loved Kazuhiko Yamashita talk to "Be Ambitious to Christ" There was a story of this missionary named Elder Cowen who was called to serve in a Japan mission, where it was mostly biking. However when he was biking his prosthetic leg would keep breaking. And from it caused him much pain. But Elder Cowen persisted and didn't complain about the hardships that he was having with his leg. In short his mission president called him up and said that he needed to reassign him to a new mission. And my favorite part of the story is this: (Straight from the talk)
During my final interview with him, I asked him this question: “Elder Cowan, did you request on your missionary application to be sent to a mission where you would not have to ride a bike?”
He said, “Yes, President, I did.”
I responded, “Elder Cowan, you were called to the Japan Nagoya Mission, where you would have to ride a bike. Did you tell this to your stake president?”
I was surprised by his answer. He said, “No, I didn’t. I determined that if that is where the Lord called me, I would go to the gym and train my body to be able to ride a bike.”
At the conclusion of our interview, he asked me this question with tears in his eyes: “President Yamashita, why did I come to Japan? Why am I here?”
I answered him without hesitation: “Elder Cowan, I know one reason you came here. You came here for my benefit. I have come to understand what a great young man I have been serving with. I am blessed to know you.”
I Loved this talk because it reminded me of the purpose of why I am on a mission. It isn't for me, it's for Christ. And we need to be ambitious in the work for him and have the same determination as Elder Cowen had in his mission.
Sunday session was also really good, but the most exciting part about Sunday was we had 10 investigators show up to church!! It was an absolute MIRACLE! We had a lot of our investigators come and even had a member bring 3 others with him! IT was sooo cool! Just hope that they also enjoyed the conference session and that we can be able to continue to have successful teaching with them!

Tonight's Feast: (Monday/Today)
So by the time you read this, it'll will happen, but for now as my fingers are typing away at the keyboard, it hasn't. Haha hope that made sense... But anyways tonight we will be having a feast of.... (Drumroll Please) A Cow's head!!! I'm actually super excited for this! We also bought cow legs to eat sometime but I'm not sure if it will be tonight. So With the help of a lovely member cooking the meat, Bro. Mukiuera, we will be feasting tonight on parts of a cow I have not yet tasted! So yeah That will be cool! I'll take pictures and hopefully send them next week!

So that was my week! The work started out slow this week but now it is really picking up and I'm am getting excited!! Well I hope everyone had a wonderful week! I love you all!
Elder Parco

Image 2962:
Me and my comp rockin the Bindura Shirts! And also right before I get a haircut... They don't use scissors so it's all by razor, and the guy is pretty good at it!!
Image 2975:
Elder Odunga having fun with his roadrunner before the slaughter
Im 9262:
Honestly Don't know how this one happened. We were listening to a talk at night and then I just fell asleep... ha ha

Monday, October 3, 2016

How the atonement can affect everyone

Hello everyone!! Before I start off with my adventures this week, I just wanted to say a few words...
So since I have been on my mission, I have learned quite a bit of things. One being that missions are hard. Hard can be such a general word, but in that 4 letter word there are so many circumstances and different situations that the word "hard" holds. I came into the mission thinking that I could handle any situation that came before me and that it wouldn't be so bad... haha but let me tell you, don't go into a mission thinking that! God knows how to humble all. And that's what I wanted to share. You can't do the mission alone! It's impossible and it will be miserable. You can use the Atonement of Christ for more than just sin, it can be used to help you though hard times or difficulties in your life. That's what grace is, after all that you can do, Christ makes up the rest and I know this to be true, as long as you try your hardest with faith, Christ always makes up the rest, Always. There have been multiple experience where I have seen this happen and I know this principle to be true. SO whenever you are in a bit of a predicament or downfall, just remember that your buddy pal Christ is always there wanting to help.

Over the River And Through The Woods:
So on Wednesday we planned on going to a new area... far far far away. So do you remember that one hike that I talked about like a month ago, and how it took 2 hours to get to the bottom of the mountain, and how we met that really cool family at the bottom? Well yeah... we went there. So it was a bit more walking than normal but really it wasn't too bad, plus it's actually quite beautiful over there so that's a plus! Anyways so our initial plan was to go and see that family again at the bottom of the mountain. But on our way there we met so many people! After we crossed a shallow part of the river. These guys called us over and had questions about the gospel! They were really nice! And it was friends and family that surrounded us while we taught! About 8 of them! The oldest being around like 26. It was such a cool experience! Also we kept going and meeting new and more people! So that was a pretty cool day! haha Lot's of walking but it was worth it.

Shona: Slowly but Surely:
So my Shona is slowly but surely coming! There was a Less Active who one day gave me about 50 shona words! And it has been super nice! I've been studying the words and almost have all of them down in just a matter of days! So my plan is to continue asking for words and then memorizing them! I also found out that the more words I know, the more I can understand in a conversation! Haha I get so excited whenever I hear a word that I know! I hope that eventually I'll be able to understand what people are saying! Haha

Zone Conference:
So Tuesday we had a Zone conference! It was pretty cool! It was just our zone of 12 people and another zone of like 20 people haha! (I think that there are 6 zones total in the mission) But it was good! We learned about repentance and how our investigators truly need to change in order for them to be converted. We learning about how we can continue our teaching. Overall it was a good conference! Oh, and lunch was super nice!! Haha that's always a plus about these things!

So yes... besides juggling I have now learned how to whistle... a normal looking way! Haha And now trying to learn how to whistle with my fingers! This is also proof that anything is possible as long as you try hard enough at it! Haha might sound weird but this is seriously a major accomplishment in my life! The two things that I thought I would never be able to do in life are now accomplished! That deserves several pats on my back! Haha

So I hope everyone's week was just fantastic! I'll leave ya with some random pictures!

1. So this is a funny story. So Elder Odunga and Elder Ray just came back to the apartment, so we had to open the gate for them, so casually, I decided to take my camera with. haha and right when I opened the gate I took a picture, and this is the face Elder Odunga had when i opened it! Haha

2. Sweet shirts we got for the zone! Has my name on the back and #United Zone on the side!

3. Yeah... so still sleeping. Haha these past couple of days I keep passing out on my bed in funny positions... and seriously, I'm in that position until I wake up the next day

4. Still sleeping....