Monday, January 2, 2017

Being an answer to a prayer

Being an Answer to a Prayer:
A really cool experience happen this week. We have and investigator, Bro. Kaswa, who is this wonderful, kind older gentleman who is very committed to the church and wants to join, but we just have to solve a little bit of a marriage situation that he has. So this man has gone through a lot in his life, with things both physically in his health, and mentally through the hardships that he is going through. So on Sunday we decided to check up on him, since we didn't see him come to church that day. When we visited he said that his legs have been having much pain and didn't have enough strength to go to church. But he really wanted to go. We taught him more about Jesus Christ and the atonement and at the end of the lesson we agreed to give him a blessing. And wow, can I say what happened next was amazing. My companion gave a blessing, for his legs and his welfare and afterwards Bro. Kaswa was so touched. He told us that everything in that blessing was exactly what he had been praying for the night before! He said he was so grateful to know that God loved him. And he said that he didn't know how his prayers were going to be answered. But when we came and blessed him, all of his questions and desires were answered. The spirit was super strong in the room and it was such a powerful moment to see the work of God at hand. I am grateful to be serving a mission here in Zimbabwe. I know that it is exactly where I need to be and that if we follow the will of God, miracles will happen. And I absolutely love it here!

My Favorite Missionary:
I just have to tell you about one of my favorite members! Bro. Rapson. He is an older gentleman as well who loves loves loves to talk about everything in his life and retells stories in his life every time we come over to visit. And let me tell you, he is also has a sense of humor. More of like a grandpa one. Him and Bro. John (another older gentleman) have the most funniest arguments ever! And I don't know how to explain it but every time he answers to Bro. John, he cups his hands, crosses his legs, leans backs, and answers  with something like "Ahh That is very good. But you know..." In like a very slow and sophisticated voice. Then after his answer he laughs like "Heh, heh ,heh ,heh" Separated and slow, and after he is done responding he looks at us and says "Am I right?" Every time I go there I just crack up all the time at the conversations that happen. True, it is hard to keep lessons on topic, but I would say that it is worth it. But the most amazing part of Bro. Rapson is all the wonderful missionary work that he has been doing for us. He was the one that helped us catch "The Big fish" which was Bro. John who is the most powerful member/convert that I have seen in my whole mission. Then just this weekend we just baptized another one of his referral, Bro. Naluso. And also this week he invited another friend Bro. Admore in the lessons with us. And he was very receptive and even came to church this week! We later found out that he absolutely loved church and is going to invite his family of 4 and his wife next week! So Bro. Rapson is truly my favorite person because of his personality and his amazing missionary work that he has been doing! I will sincerely miss him when I leave this area.

"That Wasn't Very Smart"
Haha so now for the Not so very smart moments of my week:
On Friday morning, we went to the gym, worked hard, got big, and then came back. So me and Elder Young Yen have been sharing this protein powder that we bought. So when I got back, my plan was to take a glass of it... or at least that was the plan. I went to the kitchen and saw that there was only a little left, so I asked Elder Young Yen if I could have the rest, and he was like "Go ahead, finish it off." So I guess I was a little too excited to "Finish it off" Because right after he gave me a green light, my little hands holding what little protein was left, got all fumbly, and the container started to slip out of my hands. I juggled the container for some moments, lost control and the container flew into the air, and landed on the ground with the hole for the lid facing the ground, letting all of the rest of the protein fall on the floor. Haha and then Elder Horlacher commented, "I don't think that's what he meant by finishing it off, but I guess that works." Haha it was such a funny moment, but never got to get my glass of protein...

Also another story: (Yep there's more!)
So after a long day working hard in the sun, the zone leaders dropped us off at our apartment. Before we arrived though we stopped at a store to buy some things that we needed... one of them being toilet paper. (Didn't have any for like 3 days!) So when we got back, I really had to go and use the freshly new toilet paper that we just purchased. I rushed inside, went to the secret office, and then right as I was about to sit down and do my business, a geko just randomly fell from the ceiling almost landing on my head! I freaked out and yelled "What the Snaps!!" haha and ran out of the bathroom as fast as I could! haha again great and memorable experience. But it disrupted my usual bathroom breaks.

Well I hope that everyone had a great week! Make some goals for this new year!! And I love you all! Also enjoy the pictures!

Elder Parco

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