A Rainy Week
This week had so much rain! IT was crazy! Rained pretty much every day. And when rain happens, mud happens. Let's just say that all of my shoes turned brown by the end of the week.
But Wednesday, me and Elder Young Yen went to Kingston, and yes I forgot an umbrella, but luckily it wasn't pouring outside. Just a drizzle. But it was super muddy and we were sliding all over the place! Quite an adventure! But the lessons we had there were great! Everyone that we met that day were so interested in the message and have been super committed. It made up for the muddy trip! But.. on the way back, I think I was getting too prideful in my ability of walking in mud, because I happened to slip and loose my balance! But luckily my reflexes were too good because before I slammed into the puddle that lied ahead, I was able to put my hands down to stop myself form completely falling. And the greatest thing about it was that there wasn't even a hint of any type of mud splatters on my clothes! A little miracle!
Sunday Floods
Sunday was a day full of water! Lots and lots of water! Enough water to prevent over half of our branch from even being able to make it to church. Let's just say that it was one of the least attended sacrament meetings since I have been here. Only a mere 30 people. And none of our investigators were able to make it, but they were by far excused. But just have to say, the water was pretty sweet! It down poured hard right as it hit6:30am! And didn't stop until 12! On our way to church, streets were pretty much flooded with rivers flowing down the sides of them, and there was even a part where we had to walk through this one street with the water coming up to our shins. It was quite an adventure to church. But that's not all! There is this small bridge at (least 10 feet long) near the church that connects Progress to Gedikai, and the water was so high that it was basically covering it. Now that was a sight to see. Sadly though, no pictures... But the memory will stay in my head. And although church attendance was really low, it was still great. But lots and lots of water.
The Perfect Lesson
On Thursday we visited a referral given by a wonderful member Sister Chiono. And we had the absolute perfect lesson. It was amazing! We started out introducing ourselves and getting to know her, then went into teaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ since one of her concerns was on how to repent. And it was awesome! The spirit was super strong and Sister Chiono even gave some inspired words to add in. At the end of the lesson, we were even able to connect it super smoothly to the Restoration and about the priesthood authority from God. It was one of the greatest lessons I have had. You could feel the magnitude of the spirit that was in the room. Something that I have realized when teaching, is that as missionaries we are learning how to most effectively invite the spirit. Because it's not the missionaries that teach, it's the spirit that teaches and testifies of the truthfulness of the message. It's truly amazing when you can feel the spirit. And I know that it is real.
I hope that everyone had a great week this week! I love you all and wish you all the best!
Elder Parco
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