I have officially left the wonderful place of Bindura. After 6 great months serving there with the ward, I have finally left. It was such a hard moment to leave this area. The waterworks even came in a little. I have met so many great people and have come so close to the ward that I have served with. They are truly wonderful people and they absolutely love the missionaries. If I could of, I would have stayed there my whole two years, but change has to happen some time.
And life moves on into better and greater opportunities for serving the Lord.
So now for the news, where in the world did I go? Well to answer that simply, I have been transfered to this lovely place called.... Kadoma! From what I have seen so far, it is like a bigger Bindura, getting closer to Harare size. And a little bit nicer, as of houses go. I am serving with Elder Barrus, who is from Farmington, Utah! How cool is that? I'm from Farmington Minnesota and he is from Farmington Utah. So we are basically from the same city. But he is such a nice guy and I am super excited to be serving with him. Also the house we are in is like a mansion! It's pretty big! A lot bigger than my last house and I thought that was a decent size. Apparently it is one of the nicest house for Elders on the mission.
Also another cool fact. Elder Robison has been our AP (Assistant to the President) for 9 months! And now he is finally out! And guess where he is? Kadoma! And Elder Robison and his companion are staying with us together in the house. I have feeling that this transfer is going to be really great.
And as for my companion Elder Young Yen, he will be staying in Bindura, and he is going to be training! I'm very excited for him to have this opportunity. I know that he will do a great job and I am proud of him.
And now for the zone. I am in the Kwekwe zone, and it is huge! It covers three cities, and here's another thing. They just added sisters into the zone! 8 new sisters in fact! So that will be something new. And 4 of the sister are in our district. Oh and I am now a district leader for the district. I am a little nervous, but like for training, I think I will eventually get the hang of it. Just might be praying a little more harder than I was before. haha
So that is all the new things that are happening. I am excited for this new opportunity to be serving in another area, and I am excited to see what it is like! I am also determined to continue to work hard and no matter what happens, I just need to trust in the Lord to do his work.
I love you all and hope that everyone has such a great week!
Elder Parco
(Sorry I have so many pictures to share, but I need to find a way to send them, since there is no card reader for cameras at this internet cafe.)
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