The Powerful New Investigators!
Super Sunday!
Bro L.
We got this referral from other Elders in our Zone, and they told us to visit this one guy, because he is super nice and super cool. And well, Bro. L. fit everything that they said. At first we kept coming to the house and he was gone basically every time. But then finally one day we decided to randomly stop by and he was there! We were able to teach him a lesson and it was super powerful. We taught about the Restoration and how Jesus Christ's church is back on the earth today and it was only possible through the restoring of the priesthood power and authority. And during the whole lesson he was like, "Yeah this makes sense!" Before we visited him, he said that he was super open to religious teachings. But he said that for us, the message made sense and he believes that Joseph Smith must be a true prophet that saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. And that everything clicked for him! It is so amazing how much power that the gospel message has. I was thinking about it, and it just makes sense. The Restoring of the church and everything that happened in order for the authority of God to be back on the earth. It is another testimony to me that I know that The Church of Jesus Christ is the true church restored back on the earth today.
Bro. Paul
We randomly ran into this guy. So we were going to visit an investigator of ours, Bro. Crispen. But instead we just ran into his son, Bro. Paul. And he didn't have much time, but he said that he heard about our church and Joseph Smith, and said that he was looking for the Book of Mormon. Luckily I had one right there with me so I gave it to him, and we set a return appointment to him. When we came back to visit the very next day!, he read the introduction and Joseph Smith's testimony of the book. It was amazing! And he said that he believed that it was true. We then taught him a lesson and at the end of it invited him to be baptized and he accepted! It was quite an amazing experience and I truly love the Book of Mormon and the truthfulness that it has behind it!
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