The Powerful New Investigators
You know the new miracle investigators that I talked about last week? Well they are still amazing!!
First off, I found out how to spell his name. And secondly. We were able to visit him this week and we were able to finish talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then the Restoration. And his understanding is clear!! He has been listenin intesively to us as we teach and just understands all that we have told him. My favorite moment was when, after we taught about the Restoration, we asked for his understanding and he said, "I now know that Jesus Christ church has been restored back on the earth." And it was amazing! We set a baptismal date for him on the 12th of August! I am truly excited to see him enter into the waters of baptism. As well have already seen the changes in him this week!
Mai and Baba Talent:
This week Mai Talent was not able to make it to church. But Baba Talent did!! It was amazing! After the service we went to their house to visit and teach them and we had a powerful lesson on the Restoration as well! They were both enlightened and the baba seemed very interested. In the middle of the lesson we asked, "So how can we know if Chirst's church has been restored back on the earth?" And the mama responded, "Well if it has the same organization and power that was there when Jesus Christ was living, then it must mean that it is his church." It was great! Thier understanding of the message was clear!
I am so excited to see the progression of these new investigators and know that this gospel is there to Help the lives of everyone!
Perfect People do not do the Lord's Work
Last night I was reading a bit in the Book of Mormon and went into a scripture chase which lead me to D&C section 100. And as I was reading I realized something. This section was about the Lord counseling Joseph Smith and Sidney Rogdon on how they should preach the word unto the people. And in verses 5-8 The Lord counsels them to teach by the spirit and all things shall be given to them. Then I realized something. In verse 9 it says,
"And it is expedient in me that you, my servant Sidney, should be a spokesman unto this people; yea, verily, I will ordain you unto this calling, even to be a spokesman unto my servant Joseph"
Sidney was a spokesman to Joseph. In verse 11 we even learn that Sidney would have power to expound the scriptures.
And Josephs role?... Was to testify.
Every time when I would think back to who Joseph Smith was, I would think of this down to earth guy who could confound and speak elegant words to the people expounding scriptures and could speak with ease.
But from these verses, that is not the case.
Even in 2 Nephi 3:17. A prophesy about Joseph says, "...Yet I will not loose his tongue, that he shall speak much, for I will not make him mighty in speaking. But I will write unto him my law, by the finger of mine own hand' and I will make a spokesman for him."
God does not call people who are the "Jack of all trades" He calls people who have weaknesses. Joseph was not a man of speaking. Although the weakness, he was still able to convert many. Not by his words but by his testimony. He was a man that trusted in the Lord and had a testimony of the work. He was diligent and had a willing heart. And that's what qualified him.
This has made me realize that even in missionary work. Some missionaries may have better ability to teach and expound the scriptures than others. But i have realized that the better teacher doesn't convert more people. But the one who follows the spirit and uses the talents they are given. Yes, a talent may be of teaching and expounding scriptures. But of another may be the gift to testify. As was Joseph Smith. The one who restored the Church of Jesus Christ back on the earth.
All and All I have learned the importance of following the spirit. For God knows what can help people best, and we just have to do and follow his will and his spirit in order to most effectively do the work.
I am loving the mission and see all the miracles that have changed my life and many others.
I hope everyone has a great week this week!! Enjoy it!! Util next time.
Love you all,
Elder Parco
Sorry no pictures this week!!