Monday, July 31, 2017

No one is perfect!

The Powerful New Investigators

You know the new miracle investigators that I talked about last week? Well they are still amazing!!

First off, I found out how to spell his name. And secondly. We were able to visit him this week and we were able to finish talking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then the Restoration. And his understanding is clear!! He has been listenin intesively to us as we teach and just understands all that we have told him. My favorite moment was when, after we taught about the Restoration, we asked for his understanding and he said, "I now know that Jesus Christ church has been restored back on the earth." And it was amazing! We set a baptismal date for him on the 12th of August! I am truly excited to see him enter into the waters of baptism. As well have already seen the changes in him this week!

Mai and Baba Talent:
This week Mai Talent was not able to make it to church. But Baba Talent did!! It was amazing! After the service we went to their house to visit and teach them and we had a powerful lesson on the Restoration as well! They were both enlightened and the baba seemed very interested. In the middle of the lesson we asked, "So how can we know if Chirst's church has been restored back on the earth?" And the mama responded, "Well if it has the same organization and power that was there when Jesus Christ was living, then it must mean that it is his church." It was great! Thier understanding of the message was clear! 

I am so excited to see the progression of these new investigators and know that this gospel is there to Help the lives of everyone!

Perfect People do not do the Lord's Work

Last night I was reading a bit in the Book of Mormon and went into a scripture chase which lead me to D&C section 100. And as I was reading I realized something. This section was about the Lord counseling Joseph Smith and Sidney Rogdon on how they should preach the word unto the people. And in verses 5-8 The Lord counsels them to teach by the spirit and all things shall be given to them. Then I realized something. In verse 9 it says,
"And it is expedient in me that you, my servant Sidney, should be a spokesman unto this people; yea, verily, I will ordain you unto this calling, even to be a spokesman unto my servant Joseph"

Sidney was a spokesman to Joseph. In verse 11 we even learn that Sidney would have power to expound the scriptures.
 And Josephs role?... Was to testify. 

Every time when I would think back to who Joseph Smith was, I would think of this down to earth guy who could confound and speak elegant words to the people expounding scriptures and could speak with ease. 
But from these verses, that is not the case. 

Even in 2 Nephi 3:17. A prophesy about Joseph says, "...Yet I will not loose his tongue, that he shall speak much, for I will not make him mighty in speaking. But I will write unto him my law, by the finger of mine own hand' and I will make a spokesman for him."

God does not call people who are the "Jack of all trades" He calls people who have weaknesses. Joseph was not a man of speaking. Although the weakness, he was still able to convert many. Not by his words but by his testimony. He was a man that trusted in the Lord and had a testimony of the work. He was diligent and had a willing heart. And that's what qualified him.

This has made me realize that even in missionary work. Some missionaries may have better ability to teach and expound the scriptures than others. But i have realized that the better teacher doesn't convert more people. But the one who follows the spirit and uses the talents they are given. Yes, a talent may be of teaching and expounding scriptures. But of another may be the gift to testify. As was Joseph Smith. The one who restored the Church of Jesus Christ back on the earth.
All and All I have learned the importance of following the spirit. For God knows what can help people best, and we just have to do and follow his will and his spirit in order to most effectively do the work.

I am loving the mission and see all the miracles that have changed my life and many others. 
I hope everyone has a great week this week!! Enjoy it!! Util next time.

Love you all,
Elder Parco

Sorry no pictures this week!!

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Power of finding

The Power of Finding!

This week was amazing! We were able to find many new investigators. And even two of them came to church! So here’s what happened:

Wednesday we really didn’t have many appointments so we went out to go find new investigators. We went to this one set of houses that we have never before gone to. And it was amazing. We were able to find 4 new investigators that day. Then before we headed to an appointment we had that night, we decided. Let’s finish contacting this area on Friday.

So Friday comes. We go over to the neighbourhood again, and contact once again. We talk and teach people, mostly introducing our purpose to them and then we talk to this one lady, Mai (mother) Talent. She was kind enough to let us teach a bit about our message. So we introduce ourselves, teach a bit about the Gospel of Christ, leave her a pamphlet, and then she said she would come to church. Honestly though, we didn’t think much of it, since it’s a bit of a custom for everyone to tell you that they are coming to church. But to our surprise when Sunday rolled around, she came!! And she said that she really enjoyed church! Then later on we stopped by and taught her and her husband more about the Restoration. It was a miracle!

But not only her but there is this Young Single Adult that came to church as well. His name is Ganenizvashe. So here is his story:

About a week ago or more we were walking to one of our investigators. When we see this guy, (who seemed drunk at the time) walking towards us. So Elder Chimtengo eloquently contacts him, and we leave him a pamphlet. Then what do we know, he came to church! And after church we go to visit him, and he says, “Church was good, but I have a question form it?” And I was expecting a question of like what is the sacrament and things like that. But then to my surprise he asks, “Can you teach me more about Repentence?” And so we did. And after that we told him about baptism and how we are here to help him change. He loved the lesson and told us “I’m going to make sure I’m at church almost every Sunday!”  IT was a true miracle!

I am grateful to see all the miracles that God has given us. I know more than anything that “nothing in missionary work can happen, unless you find someone to teach”
I am excited to be able to see the progression of these new investigators that we have the opportunity to teach. I love the mission and have found that that love has come through helping people change their lives.
I know that this is God’s church and that it has been restored and through it the gospel and even Jesus Christ himself can help with our trials and our afflictions.

I hope that everyone has a great week this week! Love you all! Until Next time!
Elder Parco

Oh!! We finally had the baptism of Natasha!! It was so amazing to see her finally be a member  of the church after all that she has gone through!!!
Also tried some of these beetles! They call them harugwa! Yum!! haha

Monday, July 17, 2017

Service and birthday parties

Another good week in the city of Masvingo, or as the people call it, Mas Vegas! (haha don’t know why)

We had a Birthday Boy!

This Friday, we were able to celebrate an Elder’s 21st birthday! Elder Koch! He’s from Denmark, very very very tall, and has blonde hair and blue eyes.  Very nice guy, and got to learn from some of his Danish ways.
Haha to celebrate, Elder Koch handed all of us a Danish Birthday song and well we “tried” the best we could to sing it! It was hilarious! He was like, It’s pronounced like Shona except the g and the h’s are silent only in the middle of the word, and all these other weird rules. Then we attempted to sing the song. Let’s just say that Danish isn’t my first language.
Then Elder Koch had some stick on moustaches. Haha and we had fun with those as well.

Service is Great

Saturday we did a service project for a handicapped man in a wheelchair. It went well. We helped him with his garden and cleaned up around the house. Learned a lot about gardening, and ate some sugar cane. Those things destroy your teeth!
But after ward the Elder’s quorum took him for a tour of the church. Haha after he had the tour, he said he was disappointed because he didn’t see all the Satanic ritual rooms, or rooms for sacrificing humans in the church that he has heard all about. 
Serving this man was great fun. It reminded me that the Lord’s work isn’t all about teaching lessons. But also helping people in the community.

Junior the Investigator
This boy is amazing! So a couple of weeks ago we were contacting this older man and taught him a lesson. But right before we were about to leave, a boy comes out and asks for a pamphlet, so of course we give him one. Then a week later he calls us over and said that he wants to talk about the pamphlet we gave. We sit down and HE teaches us about everything in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was amazing! So we have been continuing to teach him the lessons AGAIN. Because apparently two years earlier he used to be an investigator and almost got baptized but stopped. And this boy is about 15 years old. Very bright and intelligent boy. So this week he came to church and we set a baptismal date for him. Although it wasn’t the time for him to get baptized back then, now has come his time, and we get to be apart of it!

Also side note: One of the missionaries that taught him was Elder Robison, who taught him right when he got on mission and is now going home in about  10 weeks. Also the guy who I lived in the same house with for a while. So that’s cool.

Well I hope everyone continue to have a great week!! Until next time!!

Elder Parco

The shenanigans of the birthday party!
Also went to a game park today! Saw basically all the animals there! Jealous?

Monday, July 10, 2017

One year down, one year to go!

1 Year Down, 1 more to Go!!

This week Friday I will be hitting my one year mark on mission! Kinda crazy how fast time flies. And only have 365 more days to serve the Lord! So better give it my all!

My Man Amulek

This week was a good, missionary work week. Still playing piano, still teaching, still finding. Things are going well. But there was this one experience I wanted to share while we were teaching a powerful recent convert of the church.
Masvingo I would say is different from the rest of the mission. Yes productive, but persecution is high.  So while we visited our recent convert Sister Makuwe, my companion was inspired to share  scriptures found in Alma 15. And it was verse 16 that stood out to me.
“16. And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek, Amulek having forsaken all his gold, and silver, and his precious things, which were in the land of Ammonihah, for the word of God, he being rejected by those who were once his friends and also by his father and his kindred;”
Amulek was truly converted. He sacrificed everything. He had forsaken everything. And even was rejected by previous friends as well as his father and family. But it didn’t stop him. He knew the knowledge of the gospel. And he feared God rather than man.
I can compare Amulek to many of the members here. They are strong and unmovable. And even our recent convert Sister Makuwe has been going through some similar things to Amulek. She is being rejected to those close to her, but she still stays strong and has that testimony that keeps her continuing to share her testimony to anyone she sees, even though most don’t want to hear. I have learned a lot since I have been here in Masvingo, and absolutely love the strength of the members.

I hope everyone will hold strong to the gospel and be ummoveable!
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

So me and Elder Anderson celebrated our 4th of July with a fire!
Oh and They have these cool network poles here disguised as very tall trees!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Death and it's purpose in life


This week was a new week of transfers. And my companion and I will be staying in Masvingo, making it the last 6 weeks of Elder Chimtengo’s mission, allowing me to “kill” him. Before he goes back to his home country Malawi. As for the other two missionaries in Masvingo. Elder Fili will be leaving Masvingo, and Elder Anderson, a tall guy, will be getting Elder Koch, from Denmark, who is the tallest missionary on the mission. Over two meters tall, or about 6ft. 10 in. Really tall. But we will have to see what will happen this next transfer!


Seems like Masvingo is starting to pick up in the work! This Saturday there was a miracle that happened. After a baptism of the other Elders, two of our investigators, Jane and Rose (Whose Jane’s father was a member of the church until he passed away) just walked by the church and decided to walk in right after the baptism was finished. It was amazing! So we decided to take them for a tour of the church and get to know it a little better. Then on Sunday they came early to church! And enjoyed it very much. We also got them to meet with the Branch President who knew the father and even knows Jane’s grandma. And also met many other members of the branch. It was so great to see!

Death is just part of the Plan

We just received news this morning that Sister Ngwena, (wife to Bro. Ngwena in the branch presidency) has passed onto the next life. It is very sad, and the funeral will be held this week. But I just want to express how amazing this branch has been through the circumstances and illness of Sister Ngwena. It was only a week ago (Tuesday) that Sister Ngwena was admitted to the hospital. And that very day she was admitted, even that very second, much of the branch came to see her to show their love for her. It was powerful to see. All the support that came from the branch for a dear Sister. I could feel the love in the room. And even yesterday (Sunday), after church, even more of the branch came to see her, gathered around her bed, and sang hymns to comfort. It was a heart-warming experience to see all the magnitudes of love and support that was there. And even though that was the only two times we as missionaries came to see her, I am positive that even throughout the week many more came to visit her in her afflictions. This branch truly, “mourned with those that mourned, and comforted those that stand in need of comfort.” And really do know what it means to be a Saint. This experience warmed my heart to see the love that came from the branch. And I will always remember this moment.

This email was related a lot to death. But I know that death isn’t the end, and the Plan of Salvation is true. Life doesn’t end after death. But life continues for eternity after this life. It’s all part of the plan. The Plan of Salvation, or even the Plan of Happiness. The knowledge of it is there for our benefit. Death is inevitable. But knowing why we are here and what comes after this life comforts us. It allows us to know the unknown. I have a strong testimony of the Plan of Salvation and I know that it is real.

I hope that everyone continues to have a great week! AND HAVE A HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!! MAKE IT FUN!!