Monday, July 10, 2017

One year down, one year to go!

1 Year Down, 1 more to Go!!

This week Friday I will be hitting my one year mark on mission! Kinda crazy how fast time flies. And only have 365 more days to serve the Lord! So better give it my all!

My Man Amulek

This week was a good, missionary work week. Still playing piano, still teaching, still finding. Things are going well. But there was this one experience I wanted to share while we were teaching a powerful recent convert of the church.
Masvingo I would say is different from the rest of the mission. Yes productive, but persecution is high.  So while we visited our recent convert Sister Makuwe, my companion was inspired to share  scriptures found in Alma 15. And it was verse 16 that stood out to me.
“16. And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek, Amulek having forsaken all his gold, and silver, and his precious things, which were in the land of Ammonihah, for the word of God, he being rejected by those who were once his friends and also by his father and his kindred;”
Amulek was truly converted. He sacrificed everything. He had forsaken everything. And even was rejected by previous friends as well as his father and family. But it didn’t stop him. He knew the knowledge of the gospel. And he feared God rather than man.
I can compare Amulek to many of the members here. They are strong and unmovable. And even our recent convert Sister Makuwe has been going through some similar things to Amulek. She is being rejected to those close to her, but she still stays strong and has that testimony that keeps her continuing to share her testimony to anyone she sees, even though most don’t want to hear. I have learned a lot since I have been here in Masvingo, and absolutely love the strength of the members.

I hope everyone will hold strong to the gospel and be ummoveable!
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

So me and Elder Anderson celebrated our 4th of July with a fire!
Oh and They have these cool network poles here disguised as very tall trees!

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