Another good week in the city of Masvingo, or as the people call it, Mas Vegas! (haha don’t know why)
We had a Birthday Boy!
This Friday, we were able to celebrate an Elder’s 21st birthday! Elder Koch! He’s from Denmark, very very very tall, and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Very nice guy, and got to learn from some of his Danish ways.
Haha to celebrate, Elder Koch handed all of us a Danish Birthday song and well we “tried” the best we could to sing it! It was hilarious! He was like, It’s pronounced like Shona except the g and the h’s are silent only in the middle of the word, and all these other weird rules. Then we attempted to sing the song. Let’s just say that Danish isn’t my first language.
Then Elder Koch had some stick on moustaches. Haha and we had fun with those as well.
Service is Great
Saturday we did a service project for a handicapped man in a wheelchair. It went well. We helped him with his garden and cleaned up around the house. Learned a lot about gardening, and ate some sugar cane. Those things destroy your teeth!
But after ward the Elder’s quorum took him for a tour of the church. Haha after he had the tour, he said he was disappointed because he didn’t see all the Satanic ritual rooms, or rooms for sacrificing humans in the church that he has heard all about.
Serving this man was great fun. It reminded me that the Lord’s work isn’t all about teaching lessons. But also helping people in the community.
Junior the Investigator
This boy is amazing! So a couple of weeks ago we were contacting this older man and taught him a lesson. But right before we were about to leave, a boy comes out and asks for a pamphlet, so of course we give him one. Then a week later he calls us over and said that he wants to talk about the pamphlet we gave. We sit down and HE teaches us about everything in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was amazing! So we have been continuing to teach him the lessons AGAIN. Because apparently two years earlier he used to be an investigator and almost got baptized but stopped. And this boy is about 15 years old. Very bright and intelligent boy. So this week he came to church and we set a baptismal date for him. Although it wasn’t the time for him to get baptized back then, now has come his time, and we get to be apart of it!
Also side note: One of the missionaries that taught him was Elder Robison, who taught him right when he got on mission and is now going home in about 10 weeks. Also the guy who I lived in the same house with for a while. So that’s cool.
Well I hope everyone continue to have a great week!! Until next time!!
Elder Parco
The shenanigans of the birthday party!
The shenanigans of the birthday party!
Also went to a game park today! Saw basically all the animals there! Jealous?
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