The Power of Finding!
This week was amazing! We were able to find many new investigators. And even two of them came to church! So here’s what happened:
Wednesday we really didn’t have many appointments so we went out to go find new investigators. We went to this one set of houses that we have never before gone to. And it was amazing. We were able to find 4 new investigators that day. Then before we headed to an appointment we had that night, we decided. Let’s finish contacting this area on Friday.
So Friday comes. We go over to the neighbourhood again, and contact once again. We talk and teach people, mostly introducing our purpose to them and then we talk to this one lady, Mai (mother) Talent. She was kind enough to let us teach a bit about our message. So we introduce ourselves, teach a bit about the Gospel of Christ, leave her a pamphlet, and then she said she would come to church. Honestly though, we didn’t think much of it, since it’s a bit of a custom for everyone to tell you that they are coming to church. But to our surprise when Sunday rolled around, she came!! And she said that she really enjoyed church! Then later on we stopped by and taught her and her husband more about the Restoration. It was a miracle!
But not only her but there is this Young Single Adult that came to church as well. His name is Ganenizvashe. So here is his story:
About a week ago or more we were walking to one of our investigators. When we see this guy, (who seemed drunk at the time) walking towards us. So Elder Chimtengo eloquently contacts him, and we leave him a pamphlet. Then what do we know, he came to church! And after church we go to visit him, and he says, “Church was good, but I have a question form it?” And I was expecting a question of like what is the sacrament and things like that. But then to my surprise he asks, “Can you teach me more about Repentence?” And so we did. And after that we told him about baptism and how we are here to help him change. He loved the lesson and told us “I’m going to make sure I’m at church almost every Sunday!” IT was a true miracle!
I am grateful to see all the miracles that God has given us. I know more than anything that “nothing in missionary work can happen, unless you find someone to teach”
I am excited to be able to see the progression of these new investigators that we have the opportunity to teach. I love the mission and have found that that love has come through helping people change their lives.
I know that this is God’s church and that it has been restored and through it the gospel and even Jesus Christ himself can help with our trials and our afflictions.
I hope that everyone has a great week this week! Love you all! Until Next time!
Elder Parco
Oh!! We finally had the baptism of Natasha!! It was so amazing to see her finally be a member of the church after all that she has gone through!!!
Also tried some of these beetles! They call them harugwa! Yum!! haha
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