This week was a new week of transfers. And my companion and I will be staying in Masvingo, making it the last 6 weeks of Elder Chimtengo’s mission, allowing me to “kill” him. Before he goes back to his home country Malawi. As for the other two missionaries in Masvingo. Elder Fili will be leaving Masvingo, and Elder Anderson, a tall guy, will be getting Elder Koch, from Denmark, who is the tallest missionary on the mission. Over two meters tall, or about 6ft. 10 in. Really tall. But we will have to see what will happen this next transfer!
Seems like Masvingo is starting to pick up in the work! This Saturday there was a miracle that happened. After a baptism of the other Elders, two of our investigators, Jane and Rose (Whose Jane’s father was a member of the church until he passed away) just walked by the church and decided to walk in right after the baptism was finished. It was amazing! So we decided to take them for a tour of the church and get to know it a little better. Then on Sunday they came early to church! And enjoyed it very much. We also got them to meet with the Branch President who knew the father and even knows Jane’s grandma. And also met many other members of the branch. It was so great to see!
Death is just part of the Plan
We just received news this morning that Sister Ngwena, (wife to Bro. Ngwena in the branch presidency) has passed onto the next life. It is very sad, and the funeral will be held this week. But I just want to express how amazing this branch has been through the circumstances and illness of Sister Ngwena. It was only a week ago (Tuesday) that Sister Ngwena was admitted to the hospital. And that very day she was admitted, even that very second, much of the branch came to see her to show their love for her. It was powerful to see. All the support that came from the branch for a dear Sister. I could feel the love in the room. And even yesterday (Sunday), after church, even more of the branch came to see her, gathered around her bed, and sang hymns to comfort. It was a heart-warming experience to see all the magnitudes of love and support that was there. And even though that was the only two times we as missionaries came to see her, I am positive that even throughout the week many more came to visit her in her afflictions. This branch truly, “mourned with those that mourned, and comforted those that stand in need of comfort.” And really do know what it means to be a Saint. This experience warmed my heart to see the love that came from the branch. And I will always remember this moment.
This email was related a lot to death. But I know that death isn’t the end, and the Plan of Salvation is true. Life doesn’t end after death. But life continues for eternity after this life. It’s all part of the plan. The Plan of Salvation, or even the Plan of Happiness. The knowledge of it is there for our benefit. Death is inevitable. But knowing why we are here and what comes after this life comforts us. It allows us to know the unknown. I have a strong testimony of the Plan of Salvation and I know that it is real.
I hope that everyone continues to have a great week! AND HAVE A HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!! MAKE IT FUN!!
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