Monday, January 29, 2018

Transfers from Kambuzuma

Transfer News!!

Welp the time has come for transfer news to be announced. I am leaving Kambuzuma. As well... as Elder Carpenter. When the news came, we were devastated... Both of us will now be leaving the area and going to two new areas. But two new Elders will be taking over the area. Elder Condie and Elder Hanson. 
It was such a weird feeling. This is the first time I am leaving an area that will be white washed. It was saddening. But... I know it will all be for the best.

SO Where am I going? Haha Not far. I am going to the area called Kwadzana. And the new house I am staying in is literally 8 minutes away from the last house that I stayed in. As well as I will be in the same stake that I was in before. Marimba Stake. But the best part about the move?? Our house has A Washing Machine... AND Dryer!!! So happy about that. Now won't have to spend hours washing my clothes by hand.. And waiting for them to dry!

And even cooler, Have an awesome companion Elder Tshibangu from DRC! He's sweet! So in even more news, I will be finishing his last 6 weeks of his training, as well as continuing to help him learn the English language. That will be quite some fun. 

AND.. as well. Our mission has added two more zones! The Harare zone split as well as the zone in Bulawayo. President is preparing for the mission split to happen. And the two new mission President have been announced. 

Over the Harare Zimbabwe Mission, Elder Tasara and his wife. Who is currently an area seventy in Africa Southeast area. And President Jimmy Okot and wife, who is currently a stake president in Uganda. 
It's pretty exciting news. And get to be apart of it for two weeks. haha

Things I loved about Kambuzuma

It's sad that I left Kambuzuma, but I always will tell the things I will miss.

-Sister Antonio, Aka the mission mom. She was so helpful in all of our missionary work and she was the sweetest person ever. She was all for missionary work and would help us in everything that we needed help in!

-The wonderful and powerful recent converts (Sasha, Mebson, Jane, Sis Hosifo, Tapiwa) They are so strong in the gospel and helped us out with the work as well.

-The coolest meeting house in all of Zimbabwe. Who else has puppies and chickens at your church?

-All of our wonderful investigators, Especially the Muguberra family!

-And the wonderful branch members (Sister Muusha, Sister Musa, Sister Kapesi. Sister Mutambirigwa and her family) They were all so wonderful and took good care of us. As well as all the other wonderful members that were there.

And all in all. Kambuzuma I would say was the hardest area I have ever served in. With challenges and dissapointments within every week. But it is the branch I have found to have the most love for. And I will really miss this branch.

Well I hope that  everyone has a great week! I love you all!


Elder Parco


Monday, January 22, 2018

Family History and exchanges

Mission Focus: Family History
Well this Tuesday we had Zone Conference! It was great! President Mkhabela had some great insights, and we have a different vision as a mission. Family History! Haha it was funny how excited President got whenever he started talking about this subject. But for the mission we are putting a focus helping recent converts and investigators do family history and then sending names in the temple. Baptizing now only the living, but now focusing on helping those in the spirit world. We now that a certain number of "Devices" that can help us with the work. It's going to be sweet! We already helped Mebson a recent convert get started on his Family History.

Book of Mormon Class
Welp just a quick update: The attendence of the glass more than doubled in size!! Went from attendence of 2 to 5! So that's sweet! And best of all Bro. Cain came! He was so engaged in the lesson and you can tell that the spirit is just working through him. He's super excited to go over the chapters for next week

Stake Conference Miracle
Had Stake Conference this Saturday and Sunday... and Miracles do happen. So on Saturday we were inviting our investigators that day to the Conference for Sunday. And most don't have transportation so you would either need to walk a far ways or pay for transportation to get there. We visit the Muguberra famliy with SIster Antonio, who is just super powerful and had a wonderful lesson. And who showed up to the Conference? The Gogo (Grandma) and the mother and a kid from that famliy! IT was awesome! Then also on Saturday, we visited the boys we were teaching and met Gamu, thier sister who was really interested in wanted to hear the message but was never there. We taught and invited them as well. And Dylan and Gamu came to the Conference as well! It was super awesome! Truly a miracle since before this week we have been struggling with even 1 or 2 attending church, but not only did we have 6 that Sunday, but they all paid for their own transportation, or put in the sacrifice to walk to the stake center! Made my week!

Exchanges with Tshisekedi
Lastly on Wednesday we went on exchanges, and I was with Elder Tshisekedi from DRC. It was sweet to work with him. He being still fresh in the feild and still learning English. But he still teaches very well and his English is amazing for the little time he has been out. But one miracle that happened... As we started the day out in Joshua, we were going to visit this Mama and her little kid. However she didn't really know English that well so we had a member help us out. We got there and first: She had 3 chairs set out with the Book of Mormon and pamphlets ready. That was already awesome! Then we sit down and the neighbor comes out, Courage. He asks if he can join our discussion and then told his story. He has met with Misisonaries before, knew about the Book of Mormon and went to church many times. He said that he was going to get baptized but then the missionaries just dissapeared! It was a miracle that we found him because he said he moved from that last area. Then as we were teaching more about the Book of Mormon he asks, "So how can I be baptized the proper way with one who has the authority! It was awesome! haha So we told him. And he is super excited to continue the lesson and continue his path to baptism. Miracles are happening in Kambuzuma!

Well I hope that all have had a great week!! I love you all!! Until Next Time!!

Elder Parco

-Stake Conference!
-Stars are pretty cool
-Went up a mountian/hill Took some sweet pictures! Zimbabawe!! Lets go!
-More Stake Conference!
-Zone Conference!! (So many Conferences!)

Monday, January 15, 2018

Book of Mormon Classes and updates

A Little Investigator Update:

Cramner: Bro. Cramner is doing quite amazing! He still has some time before he will be ready for baptism but his knowledge is increasing rapidly. Last visit Elder Carpenter and Elder Tshisekedi were able to visit him this Wednesday. (We were on exchanges) And from what I heard he has now finished the entire gospel principles book!!! That's insane. As well as when they were going to start teaching the wife the Restoration of the gospel they started teaching the first section, then Bro. Cramner jumps in and teaches the rest of the the message of the Restoration to his wife, all excitedly. haha 
But him and his famliy is progressing very well. They also said they will be coming to church again this week! (They made a plan to slowly ween off their church they are going to) So that's awesome!

Sarah The last visit that we had with Sarah was powerful. We mainly just talked about what she thinks of the message and a little about the Book of Mormon. She said she went over the first chapter of 1 Nephi, but she was practicing it with speaking in different accents for a competition that her school was holding of who can give the best certain accents. So she started reading the Book of Mormon in a black American accent, Southern accent, Indian accent, then tried to do a Spainard accent. haha it was hilarious. Her Black American accent and her Indian accent was spot on! But we asked her about the message, and she said, "I believe it is true." Then she told us the story how she told her brother that she thought it was true and her brother kinda railed her how she shouldn't be studying these new materials like this. But for her she said that she was going to study it and see what she can learn from it. It was awesome!

Nobert Lastly Nobert. We were able to meet with him this Saturday. We went over the Gospel of Jesus Chrsit and invited him to baptism. And he accepted! Then we also asked him what he thought about all this. He then told us that he has read all of 2 Nephi and was now reading 3rd Nephi! haha He said he wanted to read all the Nephi's before the other books. Then we explained how 3rd Nephi and 2nd Nephi were two different Nephi's at different times. Then he said, "Yeah I realized that." haha But it's awesome how much he has read. 

Book of Mormon Class
This last week we started a Book of Mormon class on Thursdays, for the branch as well as investigators. But our main focus was to help encourage less actives. And the one topic all seem to be interested in is the Book of Mormon. Well this week we only had a recent convert and a young adult preparing for his mission. But it went well! Apparently word has spread more about his class and how good it was. So this week we told Bro. Cain, less active about this class and said next week we will be going over the first 10 chapters of the Book of Mormon. Well we visited him this Sunday and he already read 5 chapters! And gave us a synopsis of everything he read . And he is super excited for the class on Thursday. As well as other less actives seem to have an interest in the class as well. So we will see what will come out of this class!

Well I hope that everyone has a great week!! I love you all!!

Elder Parco

Pictures: haha not the best pictures this week
- Elder Carpenter made a boss dinner for everyone!
-HOw's the hat??

Monday, January 8, 2018

David and Car rides

Need a Lift?
The most inspiring thing that I have seen this week happened even today, on our way to town. And I can testify that out of small things, great things come to pass. Four of us Elders were on our way out the door from the house to town. About to walk to the street to get a combie/transportation. Well while walking down the street Elder Carpenter waves down this one van like combie, and it stops. A guy unmarried 26 years of age is driving. He says that he is going to town and he'll give us a lift. We hop in, and we are about to pay him money for the transportation and he stops us saying, "I don't want the money." So we were like sweet! A free ride to town, which would have been expensive (never happened in my whole time here). Well we continue and he tells us he want to make a quick stop to his mothers house before he heads over there. We go there, he greets his mother from inside the van, then hands her some money to help her through the day.Then we head to town, talking some small talk, (At the same time this guy being a boss driver) And we stop at this light where this kid is asking for some money. (Now we deal with beggars a lot, and they can be very persistent.) But this guy sees the kid, reaches in his pocket, and gives him 50 cents. (Which is worth a lot more to someone here than at home) Then continues on his way. And the whole drive, and at every stop, he rolls down his window and starts talking to the cars next to us, instantly becoming friends with them and giving them a smile. He then tells us where he is planning on going, but told us he will drop us off where we need to go then head out in his direction. Then on the way, another lady on the road waves down this car, and he pulls over. She gets in, she is about to offer money, and says the same thing, "I don't want the money." She was very happy with the response and we continue on with the drive. Then finally, we arrive in town. And not only does he take us to town, but a direct stop to where we needed to go. Taking his own precious time to go through all of the traffic in town and dropping us specifically where we needed to go. It was amazing. And I was touched. He drops us off and we thank him. Then we leave. 
This guy, who I don't even know what his name was, was beyond inspiring. He made me even reflect myself. This guy was caring, and sincerely genuine in everything he did. He just went around doing good, wanting nothing in return. He was an example of Christ. Then it made me think. What makes someone truly happy? Is it wanting things for yourself? No. It's being an example of Christ. And serving our fellow beings. Sometimes we look inwardly all the time, but if we really want to be happy, we have to look outside of us, and help others. Not only will you brighten the lives of others, but you will also increase the light inside of you. That's how we find true happiness.

We keep seeing David!
There is this guy David. He lives in our area, and he just keeps popping up! haha So a bit about David. David is an investigator, (but we never taught him anything until this day) but has lots of friends in the church, as well as 2 weeks ago his sister got baptized in the church! Well this whole week we have been seeing him in some of the most randomest places in our area. So on Friday we head to this investigator to just check up on them. Well they weren't home but then David out of nowhere calls at us, "Hey come over here!!" We come there meet him again, turns to his friends, and says "Let's learn about the gospel." So with him and his two friends we sit down and start introducing ourselves. Then we ask if there are any questions they may have. Well his two friends at this time really didn't seem like they wanted to be here, or interested very much. So David says, "I have a question! What is our purpose in life? And where will we go after this life?" Haha then his two friends perk up, "Yeah! Where do we go after we die?" Then I look at David, and he has this look like, I'm helping you out now with these questions I know you know how to answer. Haha then being a bit confused because I knew David has never been taught by missionaries I ask David, "Your sister has been teaching you, hasn't she?" Then he just smiles back at me and says yes. So we continue on with the lesson and teach him and his two friends where we will go after we die. And thanks to David we were able to get 3 new investigators that are now way more interested in the message. 

Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week!! I love you all!! Until Next Time!!! 

Elder Parco

-This is my Christmas present from my parents!! Now my favorite shirt I have! Captain America! Thanks!
-Got these giant mangos from a recent convert!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!


Big News!!
SO we just gained word from our Mission President that as from July 1st 2018 the Zimbabwe Harare Mission will be splitting and will become two missions, The Harare Zimbabwe missiona nd the Bulawayo Zimbabwe Mission! So for the last two weeks of my mission, two new mission Presidents will be coming and I may be in a new mission! haha Sweet! Happy new Year!

Celebrating The Christmas Cheer!
Christmas was this last week! It was great! Sorry didn't get to tell you all about it last week. As a house we just celebrated by making a nice lunch! Made some ham, chicken, more meat, and some mash potatoes. But by far the Ham was the best made by the Austrailian Elder LeneHam himself! 
But as well with the Christmas season came the New Year!! Which means my full year as a missionary is now complete! Feels good. haha But as for missionary work.. it was a bit slow. Many of our investigators were out of town this week, so we just found more people to teach this week. 
So here is a few expereinces I had these past two weeks!

Sarah The new investigator
We were teaching this familiy, the Mugwadiki family and we went to the house to visit and teach the father. Sadly when we got there he wasn't there, but we talked a bit to their kids Tapiwa and Sarah. Tapiwa we have already taught in the past, but Sarah was new. So as we didn't see baba (father) we were about to go, when Sarah stops us and say's "Wait, you can teach me about the gospel." So then we set appointments with Sarah and have been teaching her since. But the coolest thing is that we left the commitment to pray to know if the things we were teaching is true. And next visit we follow up and she says, "I think I got an answer." So we asked what her answer was. She said, "My heart feels like these things are true, but my mind and what people are saying makes me doubt." Then we couseled her to follow her heart and if she feels like this answer comes from God, then she should follow that prompting. After that visit we left her with the Book of Mormon and asked her to read and pray to know if it is true. So this next week we will she was happens.

The Big Finds
So since this week we really didn't have any of our more progressing investigators around to teach, we were just teach mainly new people this week. But this week we found two families in our finding effforts. The first family, it was Saturday and we were going to visit a recent convert with a new address, but find out that he may not even live there. But we fget directed to the next door house with someone named Tapiwa, (The one we were looking for) So we go there find out it's not our recent convert. But end up starting a discussion and teaching the family that was there. Awesome
And on Sunday. We were feeling a bit down. No investigators came to church, but we were walking around and then started talking to this boy, Kinglord. (Sick name) And then the mother invites us in the house and we teach the whole famliy there a bit about the plan of Salvation and are planning on visiting them next week! That was awesome!
Yeah things are moving slowly here, but things are happening!

-Celebrating for our Christmas Lunch!! Nice food!!
-Merry Christmas!!!
-Skyping my family
-OK!!! These Sisters are going Home tomorrow!!! They came with me in the MTC!! Sister Park and Sister Wells! Now that's weird! haha
-Got a haircut. (Seem to be doing this quite often)  haha