Monday, April 30, 2018

What a find!

The New Investigators! What a Find!
Well this has been another adventurous week in the mission! And a good start to the transfer! Just have to say Elder Kambuzuma is great! But anyways, the week.

First off. Thabo. So we went over to Michelle's our youngster recent convert, and as we were there we asked if anyone in the house would want to hear about the message we had. Well all in the house declined. But they said the neighbor is interested. So he came over and we started the discussions. But this guy is awesome! The next meeting we had with him, he had some honest questions and it was amazing! It was so cool to see his sincere interest. I love this guy.

Bridget Tafadswa Thabiso and Felistas:
So the way we found all these people was pretty awesome! So throughout the day we were working with a member named Peter. Well the time came that he had to go home, and so we let him free then went our seperate ways. Well in the process we met another member Vanessa. And just asking if she had any freinds for us to teach, she said.." No." But then she was like, "But let me find some people for you to teach." So she guides us down the road to the street where she lives and just starts asking her neighbors that are outside. "Hey you should listen to these missionaries and their message about Jesus Christ." haha Well She rounded up two young boys for us, and then we sat down and Felitas came outside and joined us. Then Vanessa said, "Alright I'm going to ask my mom if she is interested." Well couple minutes later her mom comes out. And we have a discussion with those four about the Book of Mormon. It was awesome! And we set more time to meet up with them too!

Mpofu Family:
Lastly the Mpofu famliy. These people are so ready for the message. Well remember how Vanessa was calling random neighbors? Well there was this one boy who wan't free at the moment but said we would stop by at his house later. So the day we went to see Tafadswa and Thabiso again, we decided to knock on his house and see if he was there. Well... Apparently the boy lived at the back of the house because we knocked at the front and this young adult answered the door. We told him what we were doing so he let us in. And then we started teaching the Restoration. And as we introduced the message. he started to ask, "So how do I know which church is right for me?" "I've been going from church to church but can't find what is right?" So we were thinking, well this guy is perfect! Then in the middle of the lesson his mother and his sister come in. And the mother starts asking all these inspired questions as well like, "So why are there so many churches today?" "Which church has the preisthood authority?" "Why is the mode of baptism different in all these chruches?" And so with smiling faces, we answered all of them. And she was super happy! I am so glad that we were lead to this wonderful famliy! Pray that they progress!

Well that was my week!! hope you had a great one this week too! Sorry no pictures this week! But love you all! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

Monday, April 23, 2018

Meeting with the prophet

Meeting with the Prophet!
Well this week was sure once in a lifetime type of week. President Nelson and Elder Holland came for a visit! And the whole mission got to come! As for us in Bulawayo, we are about a short distance of a 6 hour bus ride to Harare... So Monday night the whole Bulawayo zone got to stay in the Zone Leaders house so we could rise early and get on our way to Harare. Leaving at 6am.. we finally arrived at Harare at 12. And the prophet came to us at 2! It was awesome! Two Seventies, an Apostle and the Prophet himself, as well as all of their wives got to speak to us. Elder Hamilton, his wife, Elder Palmer, his wife, Elder Holland, his wife, and President Nelson, and his wife. It was a spiritually filled chapel at highlands Harare! And probably will never happen again! But things I loved from thier talks.
 Elder Holland talked about making this mission so important to you that when your future children come up to you to ask you about your mission, you can weep. Because it was such a touching and life changing experience in your life.
 Also I love when Sister Nelson talked about listening to the prompting of the spirit. In her journey how she met President Nelson and the many life decisions that led to prominent factors in her life.
And last President Nelson talked about the importance of eternal marriage and that is how we endure to the end, and bring the blessings of Abraham upon us.
 But most of all I love how we got to see the personal side of all of these chosen leaders. President Nelson is a funny guy. haha He told us, how after he announced the temples that a newspaper reporter commented that President Nelson "Enjoyed announcing the temples" Then he turned to us, paused and said with a smirk on his face..."You bet I did!!" haha 
It was such a great opportunity to see these wonderful leaders of God and am so happy that I got the chance to be here for that moment!

Then after all was over, Got back on the bus and took the 6-7 hour jounery back.. arriving at 1am. haha But totally worth it.

The Powerful Referral!
This week we got a wonderful referral from our neighboring missionaries. So of course we contact the reffereal and set a time to meet at his house. We get there and him and his friend was waiting for us to share the gospel. We share about the gospel of Jesus Christ. And Tonias and Courage had some awesome questions! Well the lesson ends, and then Sunday morning we invite them to church, and both of them came! And staying all three hours as well! Most surprising thing is, they live pretty far away from where the chapel is! They for sure were powerful referrals.

Another Transfer! 2 left!
Well this week marks yet another week of Transfers. For me, I am staying in Nketa. Same area. But my hilarious companion will now be leaving to Kwekwe. Who will now be companions with  Elder Haynie. Me and Elder Whittier stayed here, and Elder Whittier's ex companion Elder Mangwana is going to Bindura. And Elder Whittier's new companion is going to be Elder Tshibangu!! haha My previous companion before I came here. And has for me, I will have a temporary companion, Elder Kambuzuma from Zimbabwe! Who in 4 weeks from now will be heading off to the MTC! 
But excited for another transfer! And to serve with another wonderful Elder.

WEll I love you all like always! Have a wonderful Week! Until NExt Time!

Elder Parco

-Sleepy sleepy sleepy
-My posterity. (right to left!)
-Mah MTC Elders!
-Elder Horlacher and Elder Gordon
-Elder Tambe!
-Elder Leneham
-Picture with the Prophet! Can you find me?

Monday, April 16, 2018

Zone Conference, Interviews, and Saturday Activity

Zone Conference, Interviews, and Saturday Activity! A Busy Week!
Well this week was sure a week full of excitement! Busy Busy week. But enjoyed the most of it. So first things first. Wednesday we had Zone Conference. Took the 2 hour bus ride up to Gweru to have a wonderfully inspired Conference. Then on Friday, it got a little more tangled. In the morning we had interviews with President that went until 3pm... Well it takes about 1 hour to get back, so we get back and have to get to the area to have an interview with a candidate that we baptized this Saturday. As well we were preparing things for the activity that we planned. So we go with the other Elder Elder Koch and Mbabela, for the interview. While there we had to drop somethings off at a members house who was helping us with the popcorn refreshements. Then at that same time the Zone Leaders were coming for Elder Koch's interviews... But all in all, went on a couple minni exchanges, and when all was done... we then went and filled up the font at the chapel. haha But Saturday went well. Had a bit of a hicupp of picking up the popcorns, but all in all it was sucessful! But that was the jist of the week. Was a fun one!

A Touching Moment
As we were walking to church on Sunday, there was just a touching moment. Ones that I love to see on mission. Just before we got to the gate of the church, arriving 15 minutes early. We saw one of our investigators there! She came early! And not only that but she was so commmited that she came alone early, even though she lives with members at the house. It was soo cool to see her commitment! And we are planning on baptizing her on the 28th of this month!

Well that was my week! I love you all! And excited to shake the hands of Elder Holland and President Nelson tomorrow!! Until next Time!
Elder Parco

-Well... honestly forgot what I put here.. but I think the pictures are of the Zone Conference and just nice pictures in the area. So enjoy them all!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Conference thoughts

Nkomazana Family
This week we had a wonderful referral from a member. And we got to visit with them this week. So on Thursday we picked up the member and then walked over to their neighbors house to talk to the family. We walk inside and meet the Nkomazana family. We introduce ourselves and greet one another. Then we introduced the Restoration message and as we are asking questions we find out that this mother has been going from church to church, trying to find what is right for her and being even more confused at the doctrines that churches have been teaching. It was awesome! haha I thought, "Well this message is absolutely perfect for you!" haha
So we teach the Restoration and the spirit was super powerful! We testigfied that the church has been restored adn you could just see the spirit working within her. It was a great experience to have and we are looking forward for the next visit with them!

Conference: Serving the One
I was super excited about Conference this week. More like a little boy waiting for Christmas the next day. And I can just say that I love this conference session! 
But something that I learned this conference was the focus on the one. Ministering to the one. Rather than worrying about what statistic you have. It was touching. We need to reach out the way Christ did. Ministering tot he one and showing real love to one another. This is the same way for missionary work. And caring for the one even brings yourself the most joy!  I love missionary work and I love you all!

Elder Parco

-Nice pictures at Conference

Monday, April 2, 2018

Happy Easter!!

A Short Update for the Week

First off Happy Easter to everyone! And to those of you that watch, Hope you enjoyed General Conference. As for us on this side we will be watching it this next week. 

But the little snipets of the week:
Good week. Visited with lots of Less Actives. Great Lessons and received Refferals! Woot! Investigators progressing well, 2 Out of Town for Holidays. And 1 Famliy. the Father gave us the reject. But rest of famliy is very very  willing. Found a new investigator that wouldn't even touch the Book of Mormon but wanted to ask us questions. Exchanges on Wednesday. With Elder Mbabela. Awesome time. Spent it in their area Tshbalala. And Finally. Sunday... Awesome Sacrament attendence! Soo many of the Less Actives came! That made my week!

Well I love you all!! Hope everyone is doing amazing!! Until Next Time!

Elder Parco

-Working at the gym at a members house! haha