Monday, December 26, 2016

Our Christmas in Zimbabwe

This week was absolutely fantastic! Because of course Christmas! And Christmas means, talking to my family! Once again I love you family. It was so nice to talk to you guys, and I never knew how fast time could fly when talking! But Zimbabwe is great here! The area is productive, our zone is super united, and just have all the fun in the world right now. I know I've said this before, but I'm going to miss Bindura when I leave. But anyways...

Christmas Celebration!
Our house consists of 4 people, Elder Young Yen (my companion), Elder Odunga, Elder Horlacher, and me. So on Christmas eve I decided, "We need to celebrate Christmas with some presents!" Except we really didn't have presents to give each other because lack of time, and mostly money. haha So I decided, "Well I'l just get some wrapping paper and wrap anything that was in the house!" And that is exactly what I did. So I bought some parcel paper, since Christmas wrapping paper was like 5 dollars!! Super expensive! And then when my housemates didn't know, I started wrapping random things in the house, and putting To: so and so, on the packages. I wrapped sticker books, toilet paper, shoe brush, other people's items wrapped to give back to them, basically anything that I thought would be funny to open. We had our Christmas Tree (made out of cardborad and bottles) And all the packages wrapped underneath, with plastic bags filled with candies on the ironing board. It was pretty epic. And when the morning came, we had a blast opening all of the presents. Definitely a memorable and fun Christmas. 

And Walked, And Walked, And Walked, And Walked...
Wednesday we got to go on exchanges. Basically our house just switched with each other. I was with Elder Horlacher and  Elder Odunga was with Elder Young Yen. So I got to go to Stonden that day. Which... is really far away. So we got a ride to the area then we taught some people who were recently baptized. (And just a note: Stonden is the place where so many baptisms are happening, and it's out in the farms so the houses are like little huts and the farms can be super spread out from each other.) But after we taught the lesson, we headed over from Chiwarizo farm to Aerodrome farm. It was about 1 1/2 hour walk. Which was pretty long, but luckily we had the people we taught accompany us! Which I was surprised, because they brought us about 1 hour out and then said they were gong to head back! It's custom to walk people out after you visit them. But these guys are super dedicated, because they go to church about every week and it is about a 2 hour walk! They have so much faith and are committed to the gospel! It's so cool to see them give so much for the Lord! But exchanges were great! Jumped over a chocolate waterfall, went across a river on a rickety swinging bridge, and had adventures eating this super sweet/sour candy like fruit on the side of the road growing in bushes. It was a great day and a fun experience! Soon they are going to make Stonden a branch itself since it is growing so fast, so when they make the mission area of just Stonden, count me in, because that place is like a missionary dream!

Quick Updates of the week:
So this week we had more baptisms! Our area had 3 baptisms while Elder Odunga and Horlacher had about 6! So the place is still on fire, and like I always say, Baptisms make my day! So always a great day when that happens! Also this week I killed another turkey! Except this time, I let go of the turkey and let it run and fly with it's head off. Mainly because I didn't want to get blood on my pants and white shirt, but it was a fun entertainment while it lasted. ANd wow, did this turkey have a lot of energy! I think that it took at least 3 or more minutes for it to stop moving! haha But this week was great! Lessons are going well with our investigators and 7 of them showed up to church for Christmas day! It was a Chrsitmas miracle!

Well hope everything is going well back home! I love you all! 

And Last but not least!!! HAPPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! 

Elder Parco

Monday, December 19, 2016

Merry Christmas!!!

Merrry Christmas Everyone!!!!! I hope that everone's Christmas's are just fantastic! I'm pretty excited for Christmas to come! Haha I tried to make a Christmas tree in our house made out of plastic bottles and cardboard.... Yeah it's still a work in progress... I'll take a picture of it next week when I make it look better. But hey it's something. Also I can't wait to call the family. Still doesn't feel like I've been out here that long on a mission, but Christmas is already around the corner! And just remember the true meaning of Christmas. It's all about Christ!!! And his birth and what he did for us! So this CHRISTmas be more like the Savior. Follow his example and spread the light! #LightTheWorld

Christmas Devotional!!
Wednesday we combined with another zone in the mission and had a Christmas Devotional with all of the missionaries. It was a lot of fun! And we even got to watch the Christmas Devotional held by the church. But each zone did a musical number. So the Marimba zone of like 24+ people did a parody of Let It Go! Haha it was pretty great! And super creative. And... made our zone nervous about performing ours. Haha it was that good. But anyways, our zone of 12 people only! (The smallest zone on the mission) Did a musical number of How Great Thou Art! And boy, we shouldn't have been nervous at all! We did super well and the spirit was super strong! After we finished President Mkhabela stoped us and was like, "Why don't we all sing that song" So we did, both of our zones together and it was pretty powerful! I got to conduct the music, and lead. It was a great experience. After we had such a wonderful lunch! And then we did a gift exchange! I got this little deer/ giraffe thing made out of wires. It was pretty cool.

BUT After the conference before we headed back to Bindura, we went to..... KFC! Yep! There are KFC's in Zimbabwe! But really only in Harare. It was great! Even though I never went to KFC back home. But it was cool to go to one! haha 
Now for my... Elder Parco moment of the day. When we went back in the van to head back to Bindura. I brought my dipped wings with my at my seat. And when I pulled out the box with all of these dripping wings, ALL of the wings fell into the bag. Then wanting to show my disappointment, and forgetting that the wings were very drippy, I shook the box to show that all the wings fell out and said something like, "Man! All my wings fell into the bag!" That was a horrible idea. Because all the sauce that was in the box now splattered over my white shirt and on my tie! Haha I felt so stupid. But hey got to make some memories!

Baptisms! And Best Zone Ever!
We had baptisms on Wednesday! Like I always say! Always makes my day! Except before the baptism we had a wedding that we planned. First Wedding that I have done! And I think it went pretty well! Probably going to see more weddings in the future! But Baptisms were great! Elder Young Yen and I baptized 3 that day and Elder Odunga and Elder Horlacher baptized 6! So very successful! Bindura is really the high life in this mission.
Also would like to say that I have the best zone ever! Even though we are the smallest, I have had so much fun with them! Makes me sad that most likely I will be leaving next transfer! ALso our zone has been on fire with baptisms! We set a goal of 41 this month, and it looks like we are going to exceed that goal if everything goes well! So like I said Best Zone ever! haha
Also after the baptisms our ward had a christmas party which was pretty great! The Primary kids did a drama on the birth of Christ and it was so adorable and funny! Some of those little kids have a personality! Also inbetween the skits, they would play music and all the little kids would go up front and start dancing! And wow, can those little kids dance! They were soo good! Haha
Well I hope that everyone had such a great week this week!! And Have a super Merry Christmas! Love you all!
Elder Parco
1) Picture of our wonder Zone of 12!!!
2) KFC in Zimbabwe! haha
3) Our Baptismal font!
4)Our wonderful couple cutting the cake
5-6) Baptismal candidates!
7)Seriously! These kids can dance!

Monday, December 12, 2016

A test of faith

How can we Help others See
Tuesday we had District meeting, and I was given the responsibility on teaching the doctrinal study. And boy, did I try to get as creative as I could for it! So the topic was centered around the campaign #LIGHTtheWORLD And for that week we focused on "Christ helped others to see, and so can we." So first started out with what we need others to see, which was found in the vision of Lehi's dream. 1 Nephi ch. 8. But I had everyone close their eyes and imagine the vision while I read. And wow was that powerful! It was so cool to hear what everyone imagined, and haha they really focused on what the fruit of the tree looked liked to them! But it was great! Then later in the lesson I got all nerdy and brought physics into the lesson. I was comparing how when we teach we need to teach simply to our investigators level and not the level we know. SO, I showed them a way of how not to do it, by explaining a physics problem as complicated as I could, with big words and such and then then asking, "Alright, I taught you how to do it, now who can solve it." Apparently my nerdiness was too much for them, because they didn't understand how to solve. (Which was the point) But anyways it was a really fun and spiritual lesson. And I also realized how much I miss physics. haha

A Test of FaithThis week I really reflected on my faith. One Wednesday we visited one of our investigators and with the help of a member and kind friend, Bro. Dick translating for us, we were able to teach the first lesson. It went really well! But at the end of the lesson, she mentioned that her wrist has been hurting for some time. Over three weeks! And she told us that the pain wouldn't go away. When she said that I was prompted to ask her if she wanted a priesthood blessing, but I wouldn't do it. I then lingered on the topic and then looked at my companion who said, "Do you want to ask her?" (Talking about the blessing.) I pretended like I didn't know what he was talking about and my companion asked her if we could give a blessing. As we were preparing for the lesson, I was thinking "Why was I so scared to ask?" "Did I not have faith that us being priesthood holders couldn't heal her?" I was doubting. Then I thought of all the miracles Jesus did and all the faith the pioneers had and the miracles even performed in the latter days. Then I thought, "Do I have enough faith to believe in the priesthood power I have?" Then I realized that I should. God is always the same, and that power is now back on the earth, so there should be no reason for me to be doubting. I then prayed really hard to myself that I can have the faith. And it was amazing. I felt the spirit so strong. And after we met with her again she said that her wrist was healed, or felt so much better than it has. It was such an amazing experience to have and really grew my faith in God's power. The priesthood is real, and it can do miracles. And I know that is we trust in God then fear should have no place in our minds. I am so grateful in the experience I had. It truly was a test of faith.

Update on the Work!
So first off, I am loving it here in Bindura! The people are so kind and everyone wants to at least hear the gospel. However not everyone wants to accept it, or progress. That's one thing about here. Everyone, and I mean Everyone! Will say that they are coming to church with you on Sunday, and none of them will show. haha It's just their kind way of rejecting you. 
But as for our investigators. Things has been up and down. We have lost some, and gained others. But this Sunday we were able to have 5 people show to church! Which was really awesome because these past couple weeks we have been struggling with people showing up. But on Sunday we met with someone new and had a first lesson with him. ANd it went so well! We focused on who God really is and on how he can pray. And he was so interested and actually put into his schedule to come to church with us every Sunday! Like he wrote it down! So that was super cool! THe spirit was so strong too! ALso Bro. John, someone who we recently baptized helped bring a friend to church, and we met with him this week and set a baptismal date for him at the end of this month! But things are going just fine. Whenever we loose one, we gain another! ANd it is so awesome! I am loving the missionary work and see so many miracles throughout the day! Things are great!
Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week! I miss you all very much!!
Elder Parco
(SOrry no pictures this week)

Monday, December 5, 2016

I'm staying in Bindura!!

Transfers #4!
Since I am training I will be staying in Bindura for another transfer! So by the end of this next transfer I'll be in Bindura for 6 months!! Wow! That is a long time! A fourth of my mission already! Crazy! Also haha all of the little kids in the area know me by name now! They say "Elder Parco Elder Parco!" Then like a group of 5-10 kids go around and chant. "HOW ARE YOU! I"M FINE!! " Haha it's so cute! But anyways yeah, 6 months in Bindura here we come!!

Call me a Contract Killer
I think I was officially have the title of "Animal Killer". Because this past week, I had the opportunity to now kill a turkey! haha again it was another cool experience. But this time, the Turkey wasn't well behaved! While I was cutting the head, it went crazy! (As one would expect) I was stepping on the wings so it wouldn't go anywhere but then it moved so much that I almost lost it! Almost ran away from underneath me. But in the end it was all good! And was a lot cleaner from my last killing experience. Also I was going to kill a goat, but by the time I was going to do that, the deed was already done. Which I am fine with, because a skinned goat kind of looks really creepy and gross, but amusing. haha

Golden Sunday
This Sunday was great! I always love fast and testimony meetings! However there was one disappointing thing... majority of our investigators didn't show up. It was a bit discouraging, but then one of our investigators made up all the difference. We went out to the area to pick up some investigators who wanted to come to church, however like I said before, a lot of them couldn't come. It was sad walking to church empty handed, but then we stopped by one more house, and our beloved 19 year old investigator came! It made me so happy! The best part about it however was that we hadn't even taught him any lessons yet! We just met him and talked to him about our church and he wanted to join us this Sunday! It was such a miracle! He also was able to stay all three hours! And afterwards, he said, "I liked it, your church prays well!" It was a pretty cool experience. So since it was his first time, he was a little confused on some things, but later on that day we stopped by his house to teach him for the first time and explain everything that he might have questions on. We talked about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the gospel and everything made sense to him. After the lesson he said that he was so happy that he now understands the gospel more. And he said that multiple times until we left. It was truly a miracle of an investigator!
Ye Are the Light of the World
On Friday we had a Zone Meeting! (Except our whole house didn't realize it was that day since we usually have it on Tuesdays so we were in a rush to get ready and then our car broke down with the tire completely disconnecting from the axle and ending up having to call the Zone leaders for help to get the car to a repair place and fix all of these shenanigans...) But besides those minor details, it went well! There was one part of the meeting when we talked about being a light unto the people of the world and how our mission is on fire because we are doing so well. But It made me think of the whole candle analogy and how we should be a light unto the world and share the gospel to everyone. Because that's exactly what we need to do! To have the light inside of us to share. The world is in darkness and we need to share that light to make the world a little brighter. And that light comes through the gospel. I have seen the light in one of our investigators who just got baptized. And wow is he full of light. You can see it in his eyes and the way that he talks about the gospel! It made me think... "Well as missionaries, shouldn't we be the same way?" Sometimes we loose that fire inside of us, sometimes as a missionary we go through the motions of, teaching, teaching, teaching, and we don't think too much about the message that we are actually sharing! But if we take a step back and think, "What is the message I am actually sharing?.." Then wow, it is truly an amazing message! Jesus Christ Lives! God Loves us and hasn't abandoned us. Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is back on the earth today in it's fullness! And through this knowledge we can come back to our loving and most amazing Father in heaven! How great a relationship can we have with our God! How great can our Joy be! That's why so many recent converts want to share their light with others! Because it changed their lives! And it changed their perspectives on life! And it made me think, "This is the light I want to have" 
So I challenge you all to share about the gospel and brighten someones life! Because it can change them for eternity!
I love you all and hope you had a great week!
Elder Parco

Monday, November 28, 2016

You can now call me a chicken murderer!

We had baptisms this Saturday! Almost automatically one of my favorite days when a baptism happens! But for us we had 4 candidates get baptized! They were all super ready! Especially Bro. John! He was so into the gospel and he literally teaches us when we go to teach him. haha But the baptisms were great! Our whole zone had a total of around 23 baptisms that day! It was such a miracle! It truly shows how much Zimbabwe is growing in the gospel! 

A Fortunate Soul!
So do you remember when I talked about someone by the name of Sister Moyo? Well... Funny story. That actually isn't her name. Haha she told us last week that that is the name of her neighbor and that we were mixing them up... So that's embarrassing.. haha Been calling her by the wrong name for over a month now. But her name is Sister Fortune! She is incredible! (She is the one who asked why the Book of Mormon has been hidden from her this whole time.) Then this week we taught both her and her mom about the Plan of Salvation! It went Really Really Great!! We were talking about what happens after we die on this life and we explained that we go to a place called the Spirit World where we rest from our labors on earth and can still have the opportunity to be taught about the gospel and change. She was so happy when we told her that! She was joyed by the fact that God always gives us more chances to change! And she whole heatedly believed it was true! It was quite a great lesson!

Contacting With the Youth!
On Saturday we had a missionary activity with the youth!! It turned out so great! (I was a bit nervous at first how everything would work out) But it was fantastic! We had about 40 youth there and with the help of the other Elders in the Zone, we went out into 4 groups and helped the youth to contact people on the streets and share the gospel! It was so much fun! And the youth absolutely loved it! It got the youth more excited about missionary work and there were some who were just on fire! They would be like "Oh! We have to talk to this one!" And then they would joyfully walk over to the people/person and talk about our church! It was definitely a success! And want to plan more activities like this!

Following Elder Young Yen's Footsteps...
So Funny story... There has been a LOT of rain recently and well the roads here are all dirt. And Water+Dirt=MUD PUDDLES! So they are everywhere, right? Well it was dark and we were walking to a members house, and my companion has the torch (flashlight) in front of us. (And just a little background: The night before we were walking home with Bro. Griffith, a RM, and I seriously hit every single puddle there was and got all muddy. So I have had great experience in this field.) SO, I was just waking behind my companion thinking I was all smart to be safe from these puddles, then just when my security was all built up, Splash! I stepped in a puddle! But just to make things worse, while I was groaning about the first puddle I step in, Splash I stepped in another! Then I decided, "Aright I'll walk directly behind my companion." And Two steps later!.. Squish! I step in some good quality mud! Haha THen after that I decided that I'm going to walk in the exact steps of my companion. So there is my companion walking in front, and then me looking down so carefully at his feet to make sure that I walk in his direct path! Then there was this one time a car passed, and I looked up for just a moment... and what do you know... splash! I step in yet another puddle! Haha It was quite a funny night! We had quite a laugh out of it the whole time.
BUT! haha I was thinking about this story more afterwards, and I thought, "Well I could just make this into a spiritual story!" If you compare me to us in this world and my companion as the savior. Then in order to stay safe from the "Mud Puddles" in the world, then we need to follow the example of Christ and follow his footsteps. Not just meandering behind, but to strive to follow him with exactness. And while we are following him, we need to make sure that we don't get distracted by worldly things, because one wrong step can lead to a foot covered in mud! So if you get one thing out of this message, get this. "Exactness in keeping the Commandments, keeps your shoes clean and safe from the Devil's mud puddles in this world today!" So choose to follow Christ! :)

I'm a murderer!
Yes, it is true... I have officially killed my first... Chicken! It was actually pretty cool! Quite the experience of my lifetime! haha The chicken was surprisingly well behaved. Definitely went to a mannerism school or something, because the whole time, until it's last breath, it didn't make any noise or squirm!.... Until... I cut off it's head! Then somehow, it started squawking and moved so crazily that the blood got everywhere! I was blood splattered after and literally had blood on my hands! "Caught red handed" as you can say. Haha but it was a great new experience!

Well I hope that everyone had such a great week! I love you all!!

Baptisms! and Before and After pictures of the chicken! Hopefully it's not too graphic!

Elder Parco

Monday, November 21, 2016

Raining down blessings--Literally!

Raining Down Blessings Litterally
So we hit raining season in Zimbabwe! It's great because it cools down the scorching hot ground beneath our feet! But on the downside, when it rains, IT RAINS. So if we arent in a house, then we get soaked! But this week we were able to use it to our advantage! 

So Tuesday, we were in the area walking around, proselighting. Then we saw the clouds roll in and the wind pick up, and realize... A Storm's a brewing. So we visited one of our investigators, Sister Chakacha. As soon as we got there, the rain started coming in. Unfoutunately, Sister Chakacah wasn't there, but her Sister was! Seeing the circumstance that could of happen if she didn't let these two wonderful missionaries inside, she decided to let us in! We were able to teach her about the Restoration and it went really well! We told he that next time we visited we can teach both her and her sister together! It was quite a blessing!

So right after the rain died down we headed out again, and my companion had this feeling to visit this house. So of course we did! It was this nice family of 4 and the Father, we met in Kingston about a month earlier. (He was selling his healthy popcicles) It was pretty awesome how we saw him again! So we started teaching him, and half way through the lesson it started to down pour super hard! And I was so glad that I wasn't in that storm outside, in the cold! haha But the lesson went super well, we set another appointment with him the following week.

So one more rain story... Saturday! It pour!! The roads basically turned into rivers and the thunder was so loud, it sounded like gunshots! But it was awesome! Haha luckily it was nighttime by that time and we headed to town to eat some dinner. But man was it sweet! I forgot how much I liked storms like this! It lasted for a couple of hours and then died down. But the negative part... Our power was out in our town until Monday afternoon! Almost two days! But I guess that's what happens when you have a big storm like this!

My Companion Fishes! Epicly! 
So this week all four of us Woodbrook missionaries ate with our Branch President! And man I learned something so cool about my companion!
Elder Young Yen my companion from Samoa fishes! But this isn't the normal throw a line in the water and wait type of fishing! This is like one of the most exteremely epic ways to fish in the world! 
Basically you swim out into the vast ocean with nothing but a torch (flashlight) and a spear! And a conoe only to put the fish in! Epic already right?!? Then with  wearing nothing but casual clothes, they dive into the ocean and spear fish! Elder Young Yen said that they are underwater for about 3 minutes spearing as many fish as he can! He said he wasn't very good, only able to get 2-3 fish each breath! And I thought, "Man! I can't even catch a fish with a fishing line!" But that was the coolest thing that I have heard in my life! And the spears that they use (Like 5 feet long) are attached to a rubber band so they pull it back and shoot! But man! I have the beastiest companion out there!

We Caught a Big one!
So quick sotry! We have this investigator, Bro John. We have been meeting with him for 3 weeks! And wow is he converted! It's so amazing! So the story on how we "caught" him is pretty cool as well. One day we visited a member Bro. Rapson, and he had two friends with him, John and his other friend. So When we started to teach the lesson one of the freinds left, but John stayed! It was a miracle! Everytime before that he would always make and excuse or just flat out not be interested in what we had to say. But we taught about the Restoration, and Bro. Rapson bore his testimony about his stubborness on not joining the church at first but then reading the Book of Mormon and being converted. Then after that testimony, we had him "hooked"! He even said before we left, "You caught a big fish today!" And these past three weeks we have seen his testimony grow so strong and his love for the church! He was turly a miracle!

So I hope that all of your weeks were supurb! I love you all!
Oh and also Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!! I hope all of you see the many blessing that God has put in your life! Be thankful! It makes your day so much better!

Elder Parco

Helping clean up for a helping hands activity!

Monday, November 14, 2016


This week has been so busy! But it's great! It's so true when people say, "The bussier you are, the less you think about home and the faster time flies!" And I can testify that it is true! This week flew by so fast! It's already another Monday! We were so booked with lessons the whole week! Taught a total of 32 lessons to investigators!! So crazy! And so tiring! But totally worth it. Heavenly Father has truly blessed us with so many people to teach, and a lot of them are progressing really well! But enough with my babble about my busy days...

The Book of Mormon is TRUE!
This week A LOT of people have been coming to us and asking about the Book of Mormon. And then I just think, "WELL, Let me tell you!" haha But I know that though this week the Book of Mormon is truly the keystone to our religion! It is what founds our beliefs and our religion. Without the Book of Mormon we have no religion! And I have seen the spirit work through many of the people we have talked to as they decide whether or not the Book of Mormon is a true book or not. And that's the only question they need to have. Is it true? Because if it is, then that means that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, and that the Church of Jesus Christ is back on the earth today in it's fullness! It's a simple yet powerful message! And I know for myself that it is a true book. 
So story time: 
There was this one investigator that we were teaching, Sister Moyo. And we taught about the restoration and then introduced the Book of Mormon! She was so intrigued the whole time! We explained that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and that it does not replace the bible, but supports it! Also we said that the Book of Mormon takes place in the America's and the inhabitant there. After we explained she said something like, "I can't believe that this book has been hidden from me all this time!" 
It was such an amazing experience and really strengthened my testimony of the power that the Book of Mormon can have in teaching and being a witness of truth!
I know that the Book of Mormon is true and invite all to read it!

Getting Big at the Gym
So my companion Elder Young Yen love the gym. So we have been going to the gym 3 times a week! But now we planned on going almost every day! The gym is kinda far walk so we have to wake up early! Like 5:30 early. But it's totally fine with me, and now I am kinda used to it! 
SO when I get back you all better watch out! Cause I'm going to be Africa strong! 

Mountain Hike Round 2!
Today we hiked the mountain! It was the same one we hiked all those months ago! (Months!!! Weird right!?!) But we went with all the Elders in our zone and it was pretty great! The view was awesome! But man am I tired today! But it was worth it!
Oh also man card moment of the week:
Gym, and ate some crocodile! Tasted in between of a fish and chicken! IT was good though!
Well I hope everyone has a great week this week! I challenge all to read and pray about the Book of Mormon! Because I know you will receive an answer!
I love you all very very much!!
Elder Parco

From the Hike!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

A week of coincidences

Well this week went by fast!! It was super awesome and we taught so many people! It makes me excited what will happen in this next month to come! This week was filled with so many spiritual and just overall amazing experiences! I know for a fact that this is the Lord's work I am doing!

No Such Thing as Coincidences in the Lord's work! Tuesday:
Today was had so many perfectly timed miracles!

So we planned to go and visit one of our investigators, but on the way we ran into Sister Chiona's brother who was visiting the house just for that day! We started talking to him and started a discussion about the Book of Mormon to him. It was a powerful discussion that we had, and by the end, he wanted to read the Book of Mormon when he arrived home and seemed super interested in the church. THE most miraculous part though! Before he visited the house. He saw this very book in his relatives house and was wondering what it was all about! Then we came along and answered his very question, without him even asking it! IT was such an amazing miracle!
Then later on in the day we decided to go and visit an investigator who we haven't seen a quite some time. On the way there these two ladies called us over and said that they wanted to hear our message! So yes another miracle! We planned a day that we could meet with them and left them with some pamphlets! IT was soo cool!
So we arrived at our investigator's house, and she was home! She said that we were super lucky to see her because she was planning on being in South Africa at this time but plans fell through! We taught her about the Plan of Salvation and she was so intrigued! Afterwards we asked her what she understood and she said that she needed to repent and be baptized!! It was so awesome! And the spirit was so strong at that time!
In the evening we join with Bro Prosper and Bro Simba, (two members) To go and visit this amazing investigator K. He is an older man with a lot of problems on his back. I just want to explain our last visit that we had with him before we get into this one. So last week we decided to randomly visit this man. We called him and said he was busy but that we should stop by later. So we did, and we had the MOST spiritual discussion on the atonement of Jesus Christ and afterwards he said that he knows that we were the answer to his prayers. Also when we called him, he was out to search for some priest to help him with his problems, he wasn't able to find them that day, but he said God still answered him by sending us! And calling him at that exact time when he was out searching for help! It was such a cool experience!
So today we taught and introduced the Book of Mormon. And After we were done he came out and said that he was thinking about it since last visit and he wanted to join the church and get baptized! It was such an amazing miracle!
Blessings From Heaven! Wednesday:
So this day was also super super cool!
Today we went to Kingston again and we had the help from a member Sister Kufumu! It went pretty well. But there was this one instance when while we were trying to teach a lesson, all of these drunk people in Kingston kept interrupting us. It really didn't please my companion very well. So while we were going to visit another person (Sister Kufumu left by this time) One of the same drunk people came over to us and asked us for matches for his smoke. Obviously we didn't have any but he was so determined to find a match. We eventually left him and we stopped by to contact this girl at a little street shack shop. Then this drunk guy came over again. But for some reason he felt really sorry for what he did and bought us some fruit drinks and biscuits! It was super nice of him! 

Then when we were done teaching, we started heading home. (Which is about an hour walk back to the town area.) We were walking down this one long road and then this tractor vehicle pulling some logs told us to hop on to hitch a ride! It was so nice because both me and my companion were exhausted by the day! And we were able to get a ride back almost the whole way! Which saved loads of time and energy! Again such an amazing miracle!

So from these experiences I know that there is no such thing as coincidences! And that God knows each and everyone of us and answers all of our prayers! Also I know that God truly does watch over his missionaries and cares for them! This week has really strengthened my testimony about this work! And I know it is true! 

I hope all of you can be able to see the little miracles and blessings in your life and know that God is always there for you!
Well I love you all and hope that you had a great week!
Oh Also Man card instance of the week!: 
I killed a scorpion with the tip of a highlighter! Haha

Elder Parco!

1) The dead scorpion
2) My companion Elder Young Yen also sleeps on the ground! Haha

Monday, October 31, 2016

Another Great week!

I Wasn't Too Clueless this Week...

First things first!! Happy Halloween everyone!! Hope everyone stuffs their faces with sugary candy! Haha But anyways...

My New Companion!
So.. I was wrong. My companion is not from Australia and is not Tongan... He is actually from Samoa! Which is even cooler! Apparently he is the first Samoan to be in the Zimbabwe mission! And people here think that we are brothers or something. haha But he is such a cool guy. His name is Elder Young Yen. He is quiet and more on the serious side, but has the desire to do good and has a strong spirit with him. And I am honored and excited to be working with him. A really cool connection though, Elder Young Yen had a really good friend from back home who served in Africa, Sierra Leon to be exact. And that good friend of his served in the same mission and was companions as someone in our branch! Bro Griffith!! Who is the son of Bro Mukwiera! It was such an amazing connection. Definitely an icebreaker into the new area for Elder Young Yen. But I am looking forward to these next 12 weeks with my new companion. Oh and also, he set a good first impression by sharing with me some of his Snickers that he brought!! Miss those candies soo much! And nothing gets to my heart better than some good ole sweets! haha

So Here's my Week:

Tuesday and Wednesday:
So Basically we were in training meetings and met our new companions, then we headed back to our area by night time and let my companion unpack. Yeah it was jammed packed those days... haha

Our Clueless house: 
So When transfers came out I kept joking how for the next 2 weeks our house is going to be so clueless, well because, there are 4 people in our apartment. Me and my companion and Elder Odunga and his companion. And when transfers came, we found out that we will both be training a "greenie" for our first times, AND Elder Odunga will also be the District leader for his first time! Haha so yeah, we both don't really know what we are doing. But hey this week wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! 

The First Day Leading the Area:
It wasn't so bad! But man is it tiring! I didn't realize how much energy it takes to lead in planning, walking to appointments, and teaching people! Aye! Takes so much energy! Now I'm really gonna sleep well! But it was good! We went out and taught about 4 lessons! 3 with members since a couple of the people we were teaching didn't know English that well! And am so thankful for those members! Makes my life much easier! Overall though it was good! Everyone we taught could understand and Elder Young Yen taught well too! It was a successful first day.

Teaching with Hand Motions in Kingston:
Tuesday was the true clueless day! Haha so we went out to Kingston to go and "try" to teach some people. (And note: Kingston is the area where not too many people know English very well, mostly Shona) Our initial plan was to find a member, Sister Kufumu who was currently in Kingston to help us teach. Except the only problem was... we couldn't find her...But we ended up running into someone that we taught before, who knows English!!! Which was nice. So he came up to us and said that he has been looking for us for some time and he wanted to continue to hear our message! IT was a miracle! So we planned to meet him next Wednesday! But he helped direct us in the direction where we thought we would find Sister Kufumu and then he headed off. But right after he left. Some people (about 10 of them) called us over and wanted us to teach them a message. However none of them knew English very well... One could speak just a little. So I started to teach about the Restoration. But just when I started 12 other people came over to hear, or maybe just see me attempt to teach a lesson in Shona. So like 22 people were there surrounding us! So with the very little Shona I knew, I taught them that God love his children and the meaning of the word restoration. I used so many hand signals and anything I could find to help teach! I used my bag to teach the word restoration by placing it on the ground, taking it away, and then replacing it back. Then I would explain how restoration means to bring back exactly how it was, So I would grab something else and replace it with my bag and say Iowa! (Meaning no) Then grab my bag and place it back and give a thumbs up! Haha it was quite the experience! And it was pretty fun! So we never actually found Sister Kufumu in Kingston, but at least we survived with what we had!

Baptisms! + Gift of Tounges
So this week we baptized two Sisters! Like I have said so many times before, I always love baptism days! Always makes me happy! Also Elder Young Yen and Elder Horlacher, the two new Elders in our house, got to baptize! It was so cool to see!
But an amazing miracle that happened. So we went to the sisters house (Friday before the baptism) because we need to interview them. Since Elder Odunga was doing other interviews, we had to wait for about 20 minutes for them to come. So while we were waiting, we talked. Except here's the miracle! So the Sisters can understand English pretty well, but they can't speak it. And I can understand Shona just a bit, but can't really speak it. So for 20 minutes I was able to have a conversation with them without much miscommunication or awkwardness in it! It was awesome! Definitely power of the gift of tongues, because I just started hearing a bit of Shona in conversations like a week ago!

Well I hope that everyone is doing well I love you all very much!!! I'll send pictures of my comp and other things! Love you all!

Elder Parco

Monday, October 24, 2016

Wait, I'm doing what??

So... I am in Harare right now emailing because well.. transfers!! Haha it is actually really weird to see all these tall buildings and stores everywhere! I'm used to the small markets and dirt roads, and people selling snacks on the side of the roads. Definitely is different! And Everything is so much nicer here in Harare. It was also really cool to see all the other missionaries that are in the mission at the office house! And to see the missionaries that I came out with at the MTC, it was so nice to catch up on things and talk to each other! But besides that, I bet you are all wondering where I am going with transfers....
Elder Parco is Training?
So I am going to be staying in Bindura!! Which is awesome because I love that place and the people there! Oh and also another thing, I AM GOING TO BE TRAINING! Which is so.... well many emotions. haha I am super excited but at the same time super nervous! I still feel like I'm being trained and hardly have a clue of what I am supposed to do! There is still so much more for me to learn on the mission. I know that it will not be easy, but I also know that Heavenly Father will help me through the way! So for these next few days, (probably untilWednesday) I will be in Harare learning how to train and picking up my fresh, new, greene, coming straight out of the MTC! My companions name is Elder Young, and supposedly he is from Australia and Tongan! So that's just awesome! Can't wait to meet him and I'll for sure send pictures next week!
Highlights of the Week
So this week there was some pretty cool things that happened! But first we always have to start with the topic of food!
For this week I had a first of eating a.... Goat! Or at least I think it is a first! But it was pretty good meat and surprisingly we finished all the meat! I think the coolest part about it though was that we bought the goat live! Then we had to butcher it! Except obviously we didn't do that part! But it was pretty sweet! Haha next we want to try some crocodile!
So Saturday we had two baptisms! It was so cool! We had to do it at the chapel at the town since we didn't have water at our meeting house! But it was good! We combined with some other Elder's in our district so everything worked out! Also before the baptism there was a wedding of one of the Elder's investigators! It was cool! And after the weddings we had baptisms. Saturday'sare always so great whenever we have baptisms! Makes my day! 

Lowlights of the Week

Sadly this week, our usual investigators didn't show up to church. We only had 1 show up. It was a sad moment to see. But on the bright side that one is really progressing well! She has gone to church twice now! And she seems really interested in the church! Also, even thought they didn't show up to church this week, we have investigators who are also progressing very well! The part that makes me a bit nervous though is that we have 4 mothers who are progressing but need to be married before they can get baptized. So that means we could be planning up to 4 weddings!! Ahh pakaiba! But hey maybe I could take a job of a wedding planner when I get home!
Another sad part about this week... transfers. Elder Ray and Elder Luvuno (my beloved companion) will be leaving this week! They are both going to the Harare East Zone! It's sad to see them go because I have been with them for a good 3 months! (Crazy I have been out for 3 months!) But I am sure they will do amazing in their new areas! But I will miss them! On the bright side, we might see them in the next zone conference which will be coming up soon!
Well I hope that everyone had a great week this week! I'll obviously keep you updated on my mission adventures! Love you all!
Elder Parco
1. We got a flat tire on our way to Harare! Man Adventures!
2.So this week is the Peterson's last week as couple missionaries in the office! They are so sweet and am going to miss their sweets!
3. Some awesome people in our ward!

Monday, October 17, 2016

A week of physical and spiritual feasting

How is everyone doing? I hope all is going well at home.
 So transfers are going to be next week, I think there is a really good chance of me staying in the area since I will be getting out of training, but who knows! Anything could happen, So that means, there is a possibility that next week I won't have as much time to email, but we will see!
BUT... to start off with this week's adventures...

Update on the Cow feast:
So first off I want to thank the Mukuiera family for preparing the meat and allowing all the Elders for coming over for a huge feast! Haha they are so awesome! When we got there they had a table and chairs set up outside with cups and forks and everything! It was sooooo nice of them and they are seriously the coolest family in Bindura. And the meat was real good! Except the whole time I didn't know what part of the head I was eating. The skin is really chewy, but Elder Williams got the mouth/cheek part of the cow and gave some of that to me and that I would say was the best part of the cow! Also we had the cow legs that same day. So basically I was so stuffed after the meal that I couldn't even bend over! But might I just add, I think I ate the most meat out of everyone! haha My favorite part of the whole night was when Elder Williams and Elder Mshungu were both laying on the ground from their bellies on the brink of explosion, and then Elder Sakala stands up with a determined voice and says, "So where's the Bathroom?" Haha just the way he said it made it so hilarious, and the thing is... there was no bathroom. It was definitely a great night!
Spiritual Experiences:
This week I felt like I had some good spiritual experiences. It was just so awesome! It's being able to feel the spirit in your teaching that makes missionary work so great!
So to start of, Tuesday we taught an investigator named Joseph. Last Sunday he went to church just to see what our church was like! It was so awesome! And it we were watching General Conference at that time, so even better! But anyways in our first lesson with him we taught him about the Love that God has for him and how the gospel blesses families! And might I just say, the spirit was so strong throughout the entire lesson. I could feel God's love just blooming throughout! He was also super engaged and I could tell he was feeling the spirit as well!
On Thursday, we met with one of our investigators who was ready for baptism and found out a major problem that was happening upon the topic of marriage. Let's just say that it left us in a pretty bummer mood, especially my companion. It was super hard for him to hear the news. So we were walking around just feeling gloomy and I had this prompting to go and visit Sister Tuli, and so I mentioned it to my companion and so we did! We got to her house and knocked on the gate, and she was there! And we ended up teaching a lesson about prayer and it went really well! It definitely lifted up our spirits that day, and it was the miracle we needed.
Saturday we went back to Sister Tuli's to give her a book of Mormon, and when we got there she wasn't there. We waited a bit and then her neighbor told us that she went to the shops and will be back in about 5 minutes. But I had the thought to share with her the message of the Book of Mormon. So I did. But when we started talking we found out that she had met with the missionaries a long time back and she was interested in the church! It was amazing! So we invited her to church after a short message about the book. We ended up waiting a bit longer for Tuli and then her husband showed up! And we talked to him and left the book with him to give to her. It was such a cool experience!
So to start off, another Sunday miracle!!! We had 11 investigators come to church!! and about 8 of them were the same from last week! So that is something incredible! Then after church I got to teach one of our investigators, Tinashe! We taught about the Restoration and about Joseph Smith restoring the church! It was a powerful lesson and at the end, he offered the prayer, and it was beautiful! In it he mentioned thanking God for being able to find this church. It left me in such a happy mood!!!
I wanted to end off by my testimony of the Holy Ghost (spirit). I know that the spirit comforts, warns, and guides you in times of need. Promptings from the spirit are real and directed by God. I like to think of it in this way: God wants us to do good so he tells us through the spirit what good we need to do in that moment. If we are listening and act on the prompting, then God will trust us more and keep sending more and more promptings. Sometimes we think to ourselves, "Was that me or was that the Spirit" But I think I have come to realize that if it is in any way, shape, or form a good thought, then it has to be from God. He wants us to do good and to help others. That is what Christ did. If we continue to follow the spirit and do good, then we will naturally become more  like Christ, we will want to do good deeds without a second thought and we will love everyone around us. That is something that I am looking forward to developing, a love for all, because after all, that is the greatest commandment that Jesus gave.
So I love you all! And hope your weeks were great!
Elder Parco

Pictures: ( So these mostly involve food don't know why...)
IMG 3049- This is what we devoured of the Cow head and legs! It was really good and really really filling!
IMG 3054- So proud of this food that me and my companion Elder Luvuno made! Literally what you see there is all that we had left in the house, no joke!
IMG 3115- So I got stuck in a well.... haha Mukuiera family is digging a well and so we had a contest of who could get out the fastest!
IMG 3124- Sunday night we brie some chicken, beef, and sausage!
Man was this week good for food!