Monday, October 30, 2017

Branch Activity, Exchanges, and the boys

The Boys
Thursday we had a pretty empty day. Things were set up, but didn't really go through. But... like always, just means we need to find someone else. We went to see if Brian was there and we were informed that he would be coming soon. So we waited. But while we were waiting there were these boys on the street playing each other in Chess. And Bro. Shaniwa, an older member was watching them. So we come over and join in on the conversation. Then before you know it Bro. Shaniwa invited me to play. Haha I beat this one boy, and then Bro. Shaniwa wanted to challenge me. I lost, then another boy played and I lost again. But afterwards Brian came, and we had a short talk with him about the gospel. But afterwards, we went back to these group of teens that were talking on the corner. Awkwardly, we introduce ourselves. And sneak the conversation to relate to the message of the Restoration. Then most of their attention peaked. We asked, "Why is there so much confusion today, if God is not one of confusion?" Then we went along and started teaching these 8 teens about the message of the Restoration. The spirit was strong. Very strong. And we scheduled an appointment to meet with them on Saturday. So Saturday comes along and 3 of the boys were there, with two other friends. We teach more about the Book of Mormon and the evidence and teachings that it holds. They really were interested. We left each of them with a Book of Mormon and casually asked if they were free, to come to church tomorrow. 
Then the most amazing part... 10 mintues before Sacrament meeting started 3 of the boys showed up! Haha they were in jeans and jackets but we invited them in and they stay for Sacrament meeting. Then headed out afterwards. But these boys were amazing. And they are very willing to learn. Hope that they continue to progress.
Branch Activity: Success!
Saturday, we had our branch activity that we have been planning out all these weeks. And wow, was it a success. At first the nerves came, as there were only 4 people that showed up at the starting time. But custom here is to be late, so within 1 hour and a half from the starting time we had about 70 people! It was awesome! We had a spoon race, 3 legged race, and a maize sack race! And other fun games that we planned. Then ended with the pioneer stick game. (if ya know what I'm talking about) Then we watched the movie of the Prophet Joseph Smith about the Restoration. Overall it was great. And the Relief Society did a great job bringing people and friends. So overall success. But I'll let the pictures explain more.

Exchanges featuring Elder Gomez
So Wednesday we had exchanges. And I went over to Elder Gomez's area for the exchange. Luckily Elder Gomez drive the car... so that was a nice break from the large amounts of walking that Elder Mbafu and I do. But anyways it was a great exchange. There was this one lesson though... haha Elder Gomez and Elder Khumalo met these Babas the other day that join together and study the bible. Well they invited us over that day. So we came there with any questions that they had for us. Haha there were about 7 Babas (all around the agge of 50+) all gathered around each holding their own bibles. So questions popped, and they wanted to know... "what is this Book of Mormon that we have?" We explained. Then more questions followed, "What language is it written in?" Where did it come from" How do we have it?" "The bible testifies of the Book of Mormon?... show us!" "What is this priesthood authority that Joseph Smith received?" "So if Christs church was lost, where is it today?" "Should there be any other books then the bible?"  And one by one. Every question they had whether it would be from the message we shared, or the bible, or no matter how deep the question was... we answered. And every response we got after our answer, was silence. Haha It was amazing. It was then I realized that this gospel truly has all the answers. The Book of Mormon defends itself. No matter how much you try to prove it wrong... And at the end of the questions we told them... "All of these questions can be answered. But all you have to do is to read... ponder... and pray to know if this book is true." It's that simple. Then you can know for a surety that these things are true. 
At the end of the lesson, most of the babas just still wanted to prove us wrong. But there were these 2 babas who truly had an interest. One even told the others. "What they are saying is, we have to read to know. We can't question them any more until we have read and prayed about this book." haha it was sweet.
This experience kinda reminded me of what it could of been like for Christ when he was a boy, or even in his ministry. He teaches, men much older than him, then invites. And those who are ready will follow. And those who harden their hearts will deny. Even to pray and test if these things are true. 
Overall it was a great realization, that this gospel has answers to every aspect of our lives. With the Book of Mormon and the Bible, we now have the fullness of the gospel.
Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!!

Pictures: The activity

Monday, October 23, 2017

The Hand of the Lord

Nolene got Baptized!
First things first. Nolene got baptized! It was incredible! She has been visited by missionaries for months now and I was luckily enough to be able to reap the harvest. But she is amazing! She doesn't really know any bit of English, so we decided to go through all the lessons again until she really understood everything. So teaching her took a bit longer than usual but it was worth it. Luckily we had Sister Mataranyika with us to trnaslate. But by the time this weekend came. She was prepared and ready for baptism. And she seemed so excited to be baptized! The day of her baptism she was smiling so much and super excited. Sasha, the one baptized last week gave a talk on baptism and I loved the way he explained it. He said, "Baptism is simply a sign of a promise humans make with God that we are willing to take upon ourselves Christs name and keep all of his commandments, so that we can have the opportunity to have a fresh start in life." And it's true. Baptism is a covenant that we do to show God we are willing to follow him. It's amazing how simple it really is. 
But wonderful baptism and great to see a new member enter into the fold of God. 

Hand of the Lord
This Sunday was just amazing. Of course Nolene was confirmed. But as well... This week we really didn't expect if any investigators to show up. But surprisingly we had 5 come to church! The most miraculous, was Sister Matara and her daughter. Sister Matara has been going through some persecutions in her own family. Which has made church attendance hard. But when she came this Sunday.. with her daughter. I was super happy. And we asked how her daughter came and she said that she just decided that she wanted to come and visit the church. Definitely a miracle.
Also connecting to Sister Matara. Last night, (Sunday after church) as we were walking back Washings (member) to his house. We stop at one of the couselors houses, because Washings had a question for him. Although... he wasn't there. But as we came, there were people who were packing furniture into a truck, for they were moving. So naturally haha we helped them out. And who was the owner of the truck?? Bro. Matara! It was definately a timed out miracle. Because we offered service to Bro. Matara and was able to soften him up a bit. As well that same day his wife and daughter came to church. So the hand of the Lord is real.
Also in church that day we talked about sacrifice in priesthood meeting. And it made me realize how much sacrifice recent converts really go through. They give up everything for the gospel. They change their whole lives. And most of the time we don't even know what persecutions or circumstances they may be going though in their home or their families. So if there are any recent converts out there, hats off to you. Cause i don't know if I would be able to go though what some of these recent converts do.
Welll anyways I hope that you all have a great week! I love you all!! Until Next Time!
Elder Parco

-Oh and also we played Frisbee today with mah Zone Leaders and AP's Super fun! Haven't played for over 1 year and a half!! haha And got to play with some in my MTC group. Elder Bollinger and Elder Whiting! Super fun!
-Zone Conference with my son Elder Young Yen who is ZL over Harare East Zone
-Baptism of Nolene!
-Got a haircut! look stella?
-Oh and also we played frisbe today with mah Zone Leaders and AP's Super fun!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Baptisms and Old men

Old Men Back Together!
This week was one anticipated for. On Wednesday we got to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. And who did I get to go with? Elder Bollinger, my MTC companion! It was super sweet! We got to talk about all that has happened and had a wonderful time teaching with each other. Except this time, we really got to teach, instead of teaching people that act in the MTC. haha but I did get pranked. He told me that we were going to visit this new investigator that they had, and told me that she was a little odd. Didn't know what he meant, but when we got there, she introduced herself and said that she was a witch doctor. Then she wanted us to drink this ritual water to see if her dead ancestors would accept us to let us teach her. Then she said she was going to prophesy about me. Haha Then she did! She told me what I ate for breakfast, where I am from and many other things! I was freaking out so much! Thought evil spirits or something was telling her this stuff. haha Then she started harping me about the church and my testimony and how I know if this stuff is true. Then... at the end I finally caught on and realized that... they were pranking me! haha and found out that she was a super sweet member who sacrificed so much. She used to be a woman pastor but then gave everything up, including her source of income just to join the church. She was powerful!
But the exchange was amazing! It's so weird how much we all change on this mission. I could see it in him and I am sure he could also see it in me. But It was a fun day to get back together and to be teaching real people this time.

Two Potential Dunks!
There are these two people that we are teaching. And they have a potential to be powerful members. First Bro. Cranmer. I spoke about him last week. But we have now taught him to the point where he understands everything. And knows that this could really be Christ's church. He was thinking deeply, then said. "I need to pray to God to see if this is what he wants me to do" Refering to leaving his church and following what we taught. It was amazing! I know that soon he will get his answer. 
Also Sis Ndlovu. We taught her the Restoration, then afterwards she said. "I have never heard about these things. Why are people so scared about hearing about this message. It really opens my mind and now I need to think if what I am doing now is right?" 
I really hope that next meeting, we can get them! haha But it has now come to a decision between them and God.
This weekend we also had two baptisms! Tapiwa and Sasha. Both powerful new male members in the church. Tapiwa is about 14 years old and he really understands the significance of baptism. He is very smart and has a powerful testimony. Also Sasha he had an amazing memory. He can expound everything that we have taught him and is super smart. He's in his 20 and loves the church and knows that it is true. 
But it was amazing to see these two getting baptized. And the support that was there from the branch was great as well!
I hope that we can continue this work that has been left here.
Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful week!! Until Next Time!!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Miracles and errands from the Lord

On the Lord's Errand
This week was one of the most amazing weeks I have had on mission! So many miracles! And I truly felt as though God was leading our companionship the entire week! Actually, I know that God was leading our companionship!

The Nibbles of Miracles
Something that I realized this week is that God knows what is best and already has a plan for us. Because this week, so many of our appointments fell through. An immense amount. But I later found out that it was for the better. So here are some of the people we found and taught because of a fall through.
On Friday all three of our morning appointments didn't work out. So we decided to visit this member that wanted to show us to some of his friends that he had. We go there and see one of our potential investigators, Brian. We sit down teach him a lesson and it was powerful. 
Then We were walking around the area, and this school girl comes and says a simple hello. Then Mbafu says, "We need to give this one a pamphlet." So as he was pulling out a pamphlet and writing down our details, the girl started to walk away... so I just yelled, "Hey! Wait we want to give you something." We give her the Restoration and our phone number on the back. Then later on in the week she calls! And asks if she can learn more about the pamphlet! Then we invited her to General Conference that week and she came!!! To almost the entire thing. However, she didn't want to set an appointment yet, but I told her that if she has questions she can call. SO then on Sunday, she calls again and asks super inspired questions.
Then on Firday night. We had a fall through again. So we decided to go to a store to get some water. (Since we had no electricity at the house.. meaning no filtered water) Then there we meet previous potential investigators that Mbafu knew. We had a great discussion and invited them to general conference. And they came for just a bit! It was truly a miracle.
Then Saturday, again fall through. We were going to show a video to one of our investigators about the Restoration. We brought a portable DVD player and the video.. but she wasn't there. So the member we were with wanted to see the video. We told her that we can if she has a friend. Haha then she comes out pulling her friend out of the house and says for us to watch the video. So we summarize the Restoration and show the video. She was touched by it that she said... "I need to join this church" It was absolutely amazing!
We were really on the Lord's Errand.

The Powerful Errand from the Lord
But the most powerful event this week happened on Thursday!
SO that entire day.. all of our appointments fell through... So out of desperation, we decide to knock doors for 30 minutes to an hour. First we asked ourselves.. what section should we knock? Then we decided Section 2. So on the way Elder Mbafu starts talking about this amazing previous investigator that they taught. Bro Cramner. How he is just a cool guy and loved to hear the message. But wasn't progressing. But then Elder Mbafu remembered that he lives in section 2. So he asks if we can go see him to see how he's doing. I agreed and we go to his house. When we get there, Bro. Cramner comes out very very excited! And pleasantly welcomes us in. Then when we sat down he asked us if we received his text this morning. We look through the phone but no text. Then he shows us his phone and the text said something like " Good Morning Elders I hope that we can be able to meet sometime!"
It was amazing! He hasn't contacted the missionaries for over 3 weeks, and that very day he really really wanted to see us. SO the moment he could he sent out a text hoping that we would stop by. And that very same day he sent that text out, we came!! Even without having any knowledge of the text he sent! He later told us that he prayed for us to come, and he knew that with us coming, even without receiving the message was a confirmation from God that he still loves him.
So he sits us down and says that he wants to talk. He then pulls out the Book of Mormon and says, "I know that this book is true. I am not saying I know because you told me or because of your convincing, But I know for myself that his book is true!" It was a miracle. He then had many questions for us of what he has read from the Book of Mormon. And he read all the way to the book of Jacob! And is determined to finish it very soon! 
But after all of his questions, a huge guilt came over him and he felt horrible. He explained to us that he knows now that he is sinning and keeps doing what is against the commandment, but he keeps relapsing in his sins. We then explain more about repentance and what it is. Then Elder Mbafu shared Ether 12:27 about turning weaknesses into strengths. And while he read that, he cried. It was one of the most amazing experience I have had on mission. And am so grateful that my Heavenly Father gave me that chance to teach this sweet man.

I know that when I follow the spirit, I am on the Lord's Errand. And I love it.
There is this quote from Elder Monson that explains it all.
"The Sweetest experience I know in life is to feel a prompting and act upon it and later find out that it was the fulfillment of someone's prayer or someone's need. And I always want to Lord to know that if He needs and errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him."

I know that this is God's work and it is the best thing I have done.
Also this General Conference was amazing! I know the prophet and apostles are called of God.

I Love you all and hope that you have a great week!! Until Next Time!!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Kambuzuma and the power of the restoration

First Week of Kambuzuma!
Welp it was my first week here doing missionary work in Kambuzuma. And it was pretty great! My companion Elder Mbafu is a powerful teacher. Teaches very clearly and very simple. Super amazing! And learned more about him.
So facts about Elder Mbafu:
First of he is a recent convert. The moment he was a member for 1 year he went off to his mission. Powerful conversion. Right before he came he finished his degree in Civil Engineering. So that means me and him have something in common to talk about. Haha except I know like nothing, and he has a degree. And since he has a degree, he is a little older than most missionaries. 25 years! But he's an amazing companion from Tanzania. 
So as for the area here. It's good. I am still walking... But hey imagine how much more weight I would gain if I had a car. At least the other Elders in our house have one though. Oh and the house, it is also new in the mission. And even bigger than the one that we moved into back in Masvingo. So pretty sweet. 
But anyways the area is great! Love the people here already. The members are few but very sweet and kind. And enjoy them very much!! 

Power of the Restoration
I just want to talk about the fact that there has been a Restoration in the gospel. This week we taught many lesson of it to new investigators, and have had some really powerful lessons. 
But some things I realized is that the Restoration is real. And it happened because God truly does love us. He would never want to leave us in darkness and confusion. That is why he sends his gospel whenever his children are ready to accept it. 
And that is why the Book of Mormon is so important. It gives us the fullness of the gospel. Every answer can come through this book, when used with the bible. It's absolutely amazing! That is why God gave us another witness of Christ. To Prove to us that he is real and that through him we can obtain eternal life. 
I absolutely love teaching this message, and everytime I do it opens my mind even more of how much our Heavenly Father loves us. 
I know that the restoration is real and that the truthfulness of the gospel is back on the earth.
I love you all and hope that you have a great week!!